Physiotherapy student profiles
- Studying at UTS, I completed the degree feeling that my studies had well equipped me to enter into...
- Juris DoctorStudying law at UTS is a rewarding & enriching experience. It's a constant challenge but one with a...
- Juris DoctorUTS is a highly regarded law school, with great faculty experience and flexible course delivery
- Bachelor of Business Bachelor of LawsUTS as an institution was down to earth and friendly. There is no ivory tower attitude and everyone...
- Master of Intellectual PropertyThe progression through the degree is relatively fast and provides tangible, rewarding recognition
- Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Laws...its flexibility and focus on students building practical legal skills from the commencement of...
- Juris DoctorUTS:Law has a reputation for not only being a good law school, but also progressive and one that...
- Bachelor of Laws Bachelor of International StudiesThis has been hugely beneficial in enhancing my communication skills and the development of sincere...
- Bachelor of Laws Bachelor of International StudiesI wanted to study in an environment that wasn’t driven just by academic results, but instead offered...
- UTS: Law ensures that law students not only graduate with a well-informed understanding of the law...