Physiotherapy student profiles
- Nursing and MidwiferyUse your clinical engagement as a source of inspiration and work at the heart of where research is...
- Becoming a teacher is the most fulfilling thing I have done and don’t regret my decision for a...
- The layers of support including supervision, experts and collegiality are second to none at UTS.
- UTS offers a blend of impactful research with vocational application which is extremely valuable.
- Nursing and MidwiferyThe Faculty of Health is home to a range of professors who are experts in the field I am attempting...
- Nursing and MidwiferyThe academic staff are always willing to help, teach, guide and support you while the short...
- Nursing and MidwiferyInvestigate a topic you're both passionate about; and certain further research will make a lasting...
- Juris DoctorMany universities offer law degrees but none will offer you the same experience whilst studying law...
- Juris DoctorI have been genuinely moved by the social aspects of the course such as the Brennan Justice and...
- Juris DoctorI have really enjoyed the activities run alongside the curriculum particularly mooting and the...