AI2018 Best Student Paper Award
The Centre for Artificial Intelligence UTS is pleased to announce that Fujin Zhu, a PhD candidate at our centre has received the Best Student Paper Award of the 31st Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI2018) in Wellington, New Zealand, on 11-14 December 2018.
The awarded paper by Fujin Zhu, Adi Lin, Guangquan Zhang and Jie Lu, is titled “Counterfactual Inference with Hidden Confounders using Implicit Generative Models”.
The Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence is an annual conference that has dedicated to fostering research communication and collaboration among Australasian AI community since inception.
Congratulations to Fujin and all involved.

Fujin Zhu (right) with the award presenters Prof Tanja Mitrovic (left) and Dr Bing Xue (middle)