Marijana Jankovic
There is always someone there for you if you need to seek help and support.
I grew up in a family where education opportunities had been minimal for my parents. Regardless of this, they worked hard to achieve their goals and dreams, no matter how little these opportunities were for them. My educational background, before coming into nursing, was in counselling, and my passions lie in providing care for others, health, psychology and science.
My reason for choosing nursing is down to my passion for helping others and wanting to make a positive change in people’s lives. Anyone who knows me well, knows that this is something that has always come naturally for me. I believe that helping and caring for others is what nursing truly is.
What I’ve liked about studying at UTS is how welcoming the environment is, the countless resources available to students, and that there is always someone there for you if you need to seek help and support, regardless of what your circumstances are – not to mention how easily accessible the campus is, being in the heart of Sydney.
The most rewarding times in my degree have come from the clinical placements, being able to learn and gain skills, not only in a hospital setting, but in classes. It feels incredibly rewarding to receive positive feedback from patients and their families; this reminds me of why I chose nursing as a career.
Throughout my degree, I’ve had the opportunity to meet and work with people of all different cultures, ethnicities and social backgrounds. I have been put in situations that I’d never have imagined being capable of handling if it hadn’t been for this course. I’ve become more confident in myself and my performance, and I have definitely become more resilient, mature, and determined to work harder than I ever have.
My plans for the future are to work in paediatrics or neonatal nursing. My passion for psychology also draws me towards mental health nursing for children. After I finish my Bachelor’s, I’d eventually like to go on to complete a Master’s degree in either of these areas; the opportunities are endless. My overall aim, though, is to be happy and to enjoy the area that I work in as a Registered Nurse.
My advice to future students (and this might make me sound like a broken record) is don’t be afraid to put yourself out there, no matter how scary it may seem! Never be afraid to stand out, and stop worrying about what anyone else thinks. Remember why you chose to go into your degree in the first place, and allow that to inspire and motivate you to keep striving for success.
Find out more about the Bachelor of Nursing at UTS