ARC Laureate Fellowship for Distinguished Professor Lu
Distinguished Professor Jie Lu's prestigious ARC Australian Laureate Fellowship will focus on autonomous machine learning for data-driven decision making.

Professor Ian Burnett (left) and Professor Michael Blumenstein congratulate Distinguished Professor Jie Lu on her achievement as the first UTS academic to be awarded an Australian Laureate Fellowship
A prestigious Australian Laureate Fellowship was awarded to our very own Distinguished Professor Jie Lu (Associate Dean Research Excellence. This remarkable achievement marks the first Australian Laureate Fellowship for UTS. The Australian Laureate Fellowship scheme recognises outstanding researchers and leaders of an international calibre in ground-breaking research areas.
Professor Lu's Fellowship project will improve autonomous machine learning for data-driven decision-making across multiple industries by creating novel theories, methodologies and algorithms to enable computational intelligence and machine learning from big data in massive, uncertain and dynamic situations.
“Jie is a generous and inspirational leader to her research group and others and it is fitting that her hard work and dedication has been recognised through an Australian Laureate Fellowship,” said Faculty Dean, Professor Ian Burnett. “On behalf of the Faculty, I am proud to announce this absolutely fantastic achievement and congratulate Jie on her wonderful accomplishment and we wish her every success!” he added.
As an exceptional female researcher in the areas of computational intelligence, specifically in decision support systems, fuzzy transfer learning, concept drift, and recommender systems, Professor Lu has for a long time been dedicated to the Faculty and UTS in driving research excellence.
The Australian Laureate Fellowship scheme is funded by the Australian Government through the Australian Research Council.

Distinguished Professor Jie Lu has been awarded a prestigious fellowship to tackle cutting-edge problems in data-driven decision-making.
Jie Lu's Autonomous learning – ARC Laureate project
The field of machine learning-based decision support is about to take a leap forward