The project team
Australia-China Science & Research Fund
Joint Research Centre for Point-of-Care Testing
The Project Team

Distinguished Professor Dayong Jin
Project Co-Director, ACSRF JRC-POCT
Prof Jin will monitor progress on deliverables, advise on research strategy and promote the Centre’s impact in Australia, China and more broadly.

Distinguished Professor Antoine van Oijen
Senior Researcher, ACSRF JRC-POCT, ACSRF JRC-POCT, ARC Laureate Fellow, University of Wollongong (UoW)
Prof van Oijen will contribute with his expertise in cutting-edge optical construction with high speed and ultra-sensitivity.

Associate Professor Majid Ebrahimi Warkiani
Senior Researcher, ACSRF JRC-POCT, HMRC Research Fellow, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, UTS
Dr Majid Ebrahimi Warkiani will contribute his experience in advanced micro/nano-engineered systems for cell and molecular sorting and POCT.

Associate Professor Nham Tran
Senior Researcher, ACSRF JRC-POCT, Deputy Head Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, UTS
Dr Tran is a core member of the UTS Centre for Health Technologies (CHT) and an expert in siRNA and miRNA in head and neck cancer.

Dr Lana McClements
Senior Researcher, ACSRF JRC-POCT
Lana’s research focuses on identifying novel biomarkers and disease mechanisms and metabolic dysfunction in cardiovascular disease, diabetes and pre-eclampsia.

Dr Peter Su
Senior Researcher, ACSRF JRC-POCT
Dr Su will contribute to the single molecule and single photon detection using cutting edge optical systems.

Dr Jiajia Zhou
Senior Researcher, ACSRF JRC-POCT
ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA), IBMD, Faculty of Science, UTS
Jiajia’s research interests are Lanthanides photonics; Single nanoparticle characterization and Hybrid nanomaterials.

Dr Gungun Lin
Senior Researcher, ACSRF JRC-POCT, NHMRC Early Career Fellow, IBMD, Faculty of Science, UTS
Gungun's research is broadly in the multidisciplinary area of "Bio-MEMS (biomedical micro-electromechanical system)" with a substantial part focused on Magneto-MEMS.

Professor Jun Lin
Project Co-Director, ACSRF JRC-POCT, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry (CIAC), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
Prof Lin’s is the Project Director of the Chinese side, and lead the controlled fabrication and biomedical application of rare earth upconversion luminescence nanomaterials.

Professor Peng Miao
China Node Senior Researcher, ACSRF JRC-POCT, Suzhou Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology (SIBET), CAS
Prof Miao, an expert in biomedical device manufacture for in vitro diagnostics (IVD).

Professor Xueyuan Chen
China Node Senior Researcher, ACSRF JRC-POCT, Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter (FJIRSM), CAS
Prof Chen, an expert in rare-earth nanoparticle fabrication, modification, bioconjugation and signal amplification.

Professor Zewei Quan
China Node Senior Researcher, ACSRF JRC-POCT, Southern University of Science & Technology (SUSTech)

Dr Leo Zhang
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Molecular Microbiology and Microbial Detection
Dr Leo Zhang is a core member of Institute for Biomedical Materials and Devices (IBMD), has emerged as an international leader in the research area of molecular microbiology and microbial detection. He obtained his master's degree (Pharmaceutical Science) from Rutgers, the State University of New Jersy (US) under the supervision by Distinguished Prof. Prof Chung S Yang, and his Ph.D. in Molecular Microbiology from the University of Technology Sydney in 2021 under the co-supervision by Distinguished Professor Dayong Jin, Distinguished Professor Antione van Oijen (UOW), and Professor Liz Harry. From his research work, he focuses upon investigating the mechanism of bacterial evolution of antibiotic resistance and trance microbial detection using multi-disciplinary methods including single-molecule microscopy, multi-omics analysis, and nanotechnology. From 2020, he developed a rapid saliva point-of-care testing (POCT) device for the COVID-19 diagnostics, which allows virus detection from asymptomatic patients. This has been reported by media in Australia including IMCRC reports, 7news, and UTS news.

Dr Jiayan Liao
Research Associate, ACSRF JRC-POCT
Jiayan has qualification in material chemistry, nanophotonics and analytical chemistry, as well as research experiences in controlled growth of rare-earth-doped nanoparticles, surface modification, DNA bioconjugation and single nanoparticle spectroscopy.

Dr Sareh Zhand
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Microfluidics, ACSRF JRC-POCT
After completing a PhD in Microbiology and with interest in cancer immunotherapy Sareh joined UTS School of Biomedical Engineering in 2019. During her PhD Sareh focused on virotherapy of colorectal cancer using oncolytic poliovirus and built strong background in DNA/RNA amplification technologies as well as molecular and cellular biology. She developed Metal Organic Framework as a novel model for improving the sensitivity of biological assays. Her main research focus is on exosomes, characterization of highly sensitive method for the detection of cancer derived exosome and separation of exosome subpopulation using microfluidic devices.

Dr Libing Fu
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Analytical Chemistry, ACSRF JRC-POCT
Libing’s background is biomedical sciences and chemistry. Her research focuses on signal-on DNA biosensors, rare-earth-doped nanoparticle-based brain drug delivery, super resolution microscopy imaging, cell culture and microinjection and bioimaging.

Dr Mohammad (Martin) Sadraeian
Visiting Fellow, ACSRF JRC-POCT
Dr Sadraeian completed his PhD in Biomolecular Physics with key contributions on Anti-HIV immunoconjugates. As a postdoc researcher, he conducted projects on anti-retroviral photoimmunotherapy and photoinactivation, and is interested in developing his experiences toward photodiagnostic.

Mr Rob Salomon
PhD candidate, ACSRF JRC-POCT
Rob’s PhD is part of a project which will create and validate minimally invasive liquid biopsy devices and methodologies for deep characterisation of patient blood. By leveraging the team’s existing expertise in novel biocompatible materials, custom optical systems, microfluidics, advanced cytometric techniques and single-cell genomic approaches he will provide sensitive and robust patient centric data in the context of cancer.

Mr Remy Ripandelli
PhD candidate, ACSRF JRC-POCT
Innovations, science and technology have always been Remy’s passion, which led him to 10 years of experience in the industry as a product developer. Trained as an applied physicist and graduated in the field of material science, and inspired by the current evolution of anti-microbial resistance, Remy’s PhD focuses on the innovation to construct a lab on a chip for the study and detection of the induced phenotype of microbes.

Mr Yunpeng Guan
PhD candidate, ACSRF JRC-POCT
With training backgrounds in molecular biology, biochemistry and bioengineering, Yunpeng's research interest are rapid diagnosis and relevant technology of signal amplification, such as exosome and detection of low copy target in cancer cell or pathogenic bacteria.
Australian Partners

Chinese Partners

Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)

Suzhou Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, CAS

Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, CAS