Our initiatives for postgraduate women are designed to build a supportive, inclusive community and specifically address the needs of Masters and PhD students.
Community for Postgraduate Women

Join our supportive, inclusive community
Our postgraduate students are emerging specialists in their field of expertise, and they face different challenges and opportunities to undergraduate students. Our initiatives for postgraduate women are designed to build a supportive, inclusive community and specifically address the needs of Masters and PhD students.
Ambassador program
The Gender Equity Ambassador Program offers women and gender-diverse students a space to connect with others with similar interests. Ambassadors inform students about Women in Engineering and IT (WiEIT) programs and initiatives, and help building a community. The program also helps WiEIT gain a clearer understanding of the specific needs within each school and encourages active participation in WiEIT activities.
Let’s Talk
Let's Talk is designed to allow postgraduate women to have a safe environment where they can discuss and share their ideas with like-minded people.
Let's Talk is currently scheduled 45 minutes before fortnightly coffee hours with the entire WiEIT community. Recent topics have included:
- 'How do you work these days and what keeps you motivated?',
- 'What are your main concerns these days and do you think a buddy-type program would help?'
- 'Gratitude, Joy boosters, and little things that make you happy.'
Skills workshops
We invite academic and professional staff and industry partners to deliver professional development workshops to provide students with skills for future employment.
Being a part of Women in Engineering and IT has made me much more confident, allowed me to meet like-minded people and helped me develop skills through various workshops.
Sancheeta, PhD student (Entrepreneurship)
Previous workshops
Resilience Workshop Series
This is a series of workshops collaboratively developed by WiEIT and Professor Olivera Marjanovic. The aim of the workshops was to equip HDR and Postgraduate students with resilience, a skill that is often overlooked in higher education.
Read about the first resilience workshop on our blog
I am looking forward to helping you to re-discover how amazingly powerful you already are. We will just bring it to the surface and put it in a good use in your own PhD, private lives and your future academic and professional careers. These are conversations for life. Together with you (my academic sisters) and our fantastic WiEIT team, we are now co-creating history! Time will tell where this will take us. So proud to be a part of something so much bigger than any of us individually!
Professor Olivera Marjanovic
Bringing your research into the spotlight using social media
Delivered by Dr Muneera Bano in November 2019, this workshop aims to help students and academic staff to use social media as a platform to advertise their research.