Get ready to excel in a data-driven world

Mathematics and Statistics
Crunch the numbers that matter with a degree in mathematics and statistics. Our highly applied Mathematics and Statistics degrees will equip you with the skills to translate mathematical theory into real-world applications.
You’ll study core mathematics subjects and specialise in your chosen mathematics domain — choose the Bachelor of Mathematical Science and pursue a major in pure and applied maths or data and statistical science, or enrol in the Bachelor of Science (Mathematics) and jump into a sub-major in a secondary science discipline of your choice.
Become proficient in core mathematical skills that have real relevance in the wider world — including predictive modelling, programming, data analysis and more — and prepare to unearth meaningful insights from complex numerical information that offers value to government, research, the finance industry and more.
Choose from Business, International Studies, Sustainability & Environment, Creative Intelligence & Innovation, Engineering or Law and gain two qualifications in one when you combine your science and maths degree with another UTS degree.

Why UTS Maths and Stats?
More than a theoretical degree. Learn how to deploy mathematical solutions to solve a wealth of business challenges — our degrees are all about the application of maths to real-world scenarios from complex numerical information.
Maths your way. Specialise in pure and applied mathematics, statistics and data science, or your choice of mathematics + a secondary science sub-major, depending on your interests and choice of degree.
Science that matters. Graduate with the skills to extract insights from increasingly complex datasets and increase your employability in maths-aligned industries and beyond.

Associate Professor Stephen Woodcock: Mathematics applies to everrything it's sort of the language of how we understand the world I think what attracts a lot of people to UTS is our reputation for that outward facing view of mathematics and its place in the world and how together develop the skills which not just prepare people for employment but prepare people to make the kind of impacts to make the sort of breakthroughs with these problems that the world needs
Dr Joanna Wang: One of the greatest thing about the UTS Bachelor of mathematical science is that we showcase a lot of our own research and incorporate that into our teaching and learning and that give the students uh opportunity to see how the technical skills can be applied um in practice
Student 1: I like the fact that my professors have real world uh experiences as they can give you a more comprehensive understanding about this subjects you're learning
Student 2: I would say definitely challenge yourself if you have a passion and there are many opportunities out there the demand for mathematic grad is very high so I would say if you think you can do it have a try

“The academics and demonstrators at UTS go above and beyond when it comes to helping students get the most out of their course.”
-Mark, Mathematics student