The Financial Information and Governance Group (FIGG) at UTS addresses issues relating to the production and use of financial and non-financial reporting, as well as the assurance of this information and the governance structures that influence its quality and usefulness.

Financial Information and Governance Group
FIGG’s research is motivated by concerns about the quality of information and the way in which information is used, including the role of regulatory structures. Recent enquiries such as the Parliamentary Joint Committee inquiry into Regulation of Auditing and the Royal Commission into Banking and Financial Services highlight the need for evidence-informed debate over the design of effective regulations directed to financial reporting and assurance, as well as broader issues around disclosure of non-financial information such as the effects of climate change.
Effective regulation of financial markets needs to be based on evidence, not intuition.
– UTS Distinguished Professor Stephen Taylor
Issues such as the design and implementation of effective and equitable executive compensation schemes, the optimal industry structure for achieving high-quality assurance and audit, or the most appropriate regulatory systems to encourage corporate innovation and efficient financial management, all have a common need for rigorous empirical and analytical evidence, along with evidence-informed thought leadership.
FIGG research is focused on the provision of research to better inform debate about public policy, addressing both existing and proposed regulation. By actively promoting the engagement of UTS researchers with issues related to the design, regulation, assurance and governance of financial information, FIGG supports the role of UTS as a leading public university of technology, providing regulators and policymakers with the tools to ensure that decisions are evidence-based, and encouraging informed debate about financial markets and associated issues among a broad range of stakeholders. The promotion of evidence-based public policy and regulatory decision-making is central to debate about the way financial markets influence society and their role in promoting equitable and just social outcomes.
Key research focus areas
- Financial reporting and accounting standards
- Information and business valuation
- Audit and assurance services
- Corporate governance
- Executive remuneration
- Environmental, social and governance (ESG) disclosures
Contact FIGG
For further information about FIGG research and initiatives, contact
Key FIGG researchers
- UTS Distinguished Professor Stephen Taylor
- Professor Sue Wright
- Professor Martin Bugeja
- Professor Andrew Ferguson
- Professor Yaowen Shan
- Associate Professor Anna Bedford
- Associate Professor Helen Spiropoulos
- Dr David Bond
- Dr Robert Czernkowski
- Dr Samir Ghannam
- Dr Mathew Grosse
- Dr Peter Lam
- Dr Hayley Ma
- Dr Nelson Ma
- Dr Amanda White
- Dr Jin Sug Yang