A day in the life
Hear from one of our Law and Communications students about what a day in her uni life looks like.
My first lecture is at 9am and is for one of my Communications electives, which is on climate policy. Each week, we have a guest lecturer from industry who tells us about a current topic and how it relates to their research and work.

10am – 12pm
Straight after the lecture I have a tutorial for the same subject. UTS is flexible with timetabling which is really useful if you work part time or have an internship. I prefer to go straight to the tutorial after the lecture but some of my friends choose to go on different days.
Our tutorials focus on one core issue or theme per week and we discuss the different perspectives. In this class, we’re split into smaller groups and each week, a member of the group will facilitate the discussion. I really enjoy this structure of learning as it means you get hear a lot of individual opinions.
12pm - 1.30pm
Lunchtime! I usually catch up with my friends who I’ve met throughout my degree, who are at uni on that day. Since its opened, we’ve been going to the new UTS Building 2 food court for lunch, and if it’s a nice day, having lunch out on the alumni green. Today, it’s Sushi World for lunch.

1.30pm - 2.30pm
Usually in my breaks between classes I’ll go into the Building 2 library and either work on assignments or complete my pre-class readings.
2.30pm - 4.30pm
I have a tutorial for my law class, Remedies. This is one of my favourite classes as we have problem questions to do each tutorial. These are fake scenarios that are based on real cases, and relate to the topic we’re discussing for that week. We get split into groups and try and solve the problem question before presenting back to the class.

4.30pm – 6.00pm
Depending on certain days and the time of year, I stay back at uni for a shift at work or I attend one of the Brennan Justice and Leadership Program initiatives (such as a guest lecturer or event). Otherwise, I may stay at uni to compete in one of the law competitions that run throughout the year.