To celebrate National Science Week, Women in Engineering and IT collaborated with Tech Girls Movement Foundation and Engineers Without Borders to deliver a STEM Design Challenge for regional schools, with the support of Inspiring Australia. Check out what local community problems students solved with STEM!
Science Week STEM Design Challenge 2020

Supporting farmers and agriculture
Chloe, Issy and Lucinda's Smart Farm – Fantastic presentation to accompany the pitch video showing evidence of all stages of the design thinking process, particularly the empathy map!
- Tiahna and team's ‘Invisible fence’ – Highly technical prototype and great ideas to combine various technologies
Droughts and Floods
- Natalya, Noah, Elliot and Malakai ‘Bike Path Drainage System’ – Great use of TinkerCAD to design 3D model

- Ava and Maddie ‘Self watering machine’ – Great pitch to solve Parkes drought and use of sensors and technology.

- Bonnie, Caitlin and Ashlea ‘Sprinkler system and Luna Drone’ – The only team to pitch live on Zoom on Friday afternoon. Well thought out and intricate prototype.

- Phoebe, Sienna and Ella ‘Save X Water saving device’ – Able to capture frost and dew as well as rain!

- Carrigan, Sovanah, Jake and William's ‘Smoke stack filter’ – Very convincing pitch video with use of TinkerCAD to prototype. Well done on research and considerations of cost and environment!

- Spencer and team ‘Wet grass – the only solution to your water pollution’ – Very convincing pitch video and great use of science!
- Zac, Poppy, Olivia and Arlen ‘6-step plan to saving native fish’ – We may need this team in parliament!
- Lila, Sophie, Chloe and Hannah ‘Multi-bin’ – Human-centred design with ‘token system’ for incentivising users.

- Teleigha and team ‘Separating trash from plastic’ – Great ideas to use tech.
Helping the community
- Mae, Lucy and Belle ‘Magnatron 2000 to help elderly get around’ – Very innovative futuristic form of transport and user-centred design with voice activation. Also considerations of security with voice detection, safety with emergency wheel and the environment.

- Toby, Josh, Jack and Will ‘Fire vehicle’ – Very convincing pitch video to save lives.
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