Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is an advisory committee to the Chair of Academic Board and its committees. It provides support for the business of the board and ensures that the board’s work assists UTS to achieve its strategic objectives.
Dr Jacqueline Rule
Executive Officer (Governance Support)
Tel: 02 9514 1464
Email: Jacqueline.Rule@uts.edu.au
Committee details
2025 meeting dates
Thursday 13 February
Tuesday 4 March
Tuesday 13 May
Tuesday 1 July
Thursday 28 August
Monday 29 September (Reserve)
Tuesday 21 October
Time: 12.30pm to 1.30pm
Venue: level 4A, boardroom, Chancellery, building 1, Broadway, or via Zoom
Composition and membership
Composition | Membership |
Chair, Academic Board (as Chair) | Associate Professor Lynn Sinclair |
Deputy Chair, Academic Board (as Deputy Chair) | Professor Sara Denize |
University Secretary | William Paterson |
Chair, Courses Accreditation Committee | Professor Willa Huston |
Deputy Chair, Courses Accreditation Committee | Associate Professor Gerhard Van de Venter |
Chair, Research Committee | Professor Kate McGrath |
Deputy Chair, Research Committee | Professor Shui Yu |
Chair, Teaching and Learning Committee | Professor Kylie Readman |
Deputy Chair, Teaching and Learning Committee | Professor Tracey Booth |
Dean, Graduate Research School | Professor Chris Turney (acting) |
Terms of reference
- Develop, monitor and review annual program of business for Academic Board (including that of the board’s committees) to ensure that Academic Board conducts business as per its terms of reference to achieve the university’s strategic objectives.
- Provide advice and direction to Chair of Academic Board (and its committees), in relation to business of Academic Board (and its committees).
- Consider urgent matters which require executive action of Chair, Academic Board (as per Council delegation) and which cannot be deferred until the next scheduled meeting of the Board.
- Advise Academic Board on any other matters referred to the Executive Committee by Academic Board.
- Monitor progress on Academic Board’s key focus areas.
- Determine the accreditation of proposed or existing award courses on their academic merit, and the removal of the accreditation of award courses. Any such approvals by Executive Committee of Academic Board will be reported back to Academic Board at its next meeting.
Number of meetings
The committee shall meet a minimum of four times per year and otherwise as required.
The quorum shall be one-half of the current members of the committee. If one-half is not a whole number, the next higher whole number shall be used.
Vacant positions on the committee do not count toward the total membership of which one-half is required to reach a quorum.