All activities relating to the care and use of animals, conducted by UTS staff or HDR students must receive ethical approval from the UTS Animal Care and Ethics Committee (ACEC) before proceeding.
Animal care and ethics
The ACEC reviews, approves, monitors and regulates the use of animals in research and teaching carried out by the University, ensuring that all research involving animals is conducted in accordance with the relevant legislation.
This is in accordance with the Australian Code for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes (8th ed. 2013), the NSW Animal Research Act (1985) and the Animal Research Regulations (2021)
The UTS ACEC is accredited by the NSW Department of Primary Industries (Accreditation No. 53146).
UTS policies
Committee composition
The UTS ACEC is comprised of at least one person from each of the following four categories of membership:
- Category A - persons with qualifications and experience in veterinary science
- Category B - persons with substantial relevant experience in the use of animals in scientific or teaching activities
- Category C - persons external to the University with a demonstrable commitment to and experience in furthering the welfare of animals
- Category D - persons external to the University who have never been involved in the use of animals in scientific or teaching activities and who represent the views of the wider community
Terms of reference
Animal Care and Ethics Committee Terms of Reference
UTS staff and students
UTS staff and research students can view the Animal Care and Ethics Committee application submission dates on SharePoint (login required).