Publications on other topics
The following publications are authored and/or co-authored by team members of the ASRC and relate to topics other than stuttering.
Journal articles
Liu, C. T. X, Menzies, R. E, & Menzies, R. G. (2023). A systematic review of existential concerns in borderline personality disorder. Journal of Humanistic Psychology. Advance online publication.
Ong, C. W., Hofmann, S. G., Ciarrochi, J., Menzies, R. G., & Hayes, S. C. (2025). Introduction to the Special Issue on Process-Based Therapy. Journal of Contextual Behavioural Science, 35, Article 100874.
Menzies, R., & Menzies, R. (2024). Existential therapies and the extended evolutionary meta-model: Turning existential philosophy into process-based therapy. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 34, Article100840.
Sims, M. A., Menzies, R. E., & Menzies, R.G. (2024). A systematic review of the relationship between death anxiety, capability for suicide, and suicidality. Death Studies, 48(1), 16–26.
Menzies, R. E., Julien, A., Sharpe, L., Menzies, R. G., Helgadóttir, F., & Dar-Nimrod, I. (2023). Overcoming death anxiety: A phase I trial of an online CBT program in a clinical sample. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 51(4), 374–379.
Menzies, R. E., & Menzies, R. G. (2023). Death anxiety and mental health: Requiem for a dreamer. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 78, Article 101807.
Chawla, S., Menzies, R. E., & Menzies, R. G. (2022). Existential concerns in OCD with aggressive and sexual obsessions. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 32, Article 100710.
Sigurðardóttir, S., Helgadóttir, F., Menzies, R. E., Blöndahl Sighvatsson, M., & Menzies, R. G. (2022). Improving adherence to a web-based cognitive-behavioural therapy program for social anxiety with group sessions: A randomised control trial. Internet Interventions, 28, Article 100535.
Verin, R. A., Menzies, R. E., Menzies, R. G. (2022). OCD, death anxiety, and attachment: What’s love got to do with it? Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 50(2), 131–141.
Heidenreich, T., Noyon, A., Worrell, M., & Menzies, R. (2021). Existential approaches and cognitive behavior therapy: Challenges and potential. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy, 14, 209–234.
Menzies, R. E., & Menzies, R. G. (2020). Death anxiety in the time of COVID-19: Theoretical explanations and clinical implications. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 13, Article e19.
Menzies, R. E., Neimeyer, R. A, & Menzies, R. G. (2020). Death anxiety, loss, and grief in the time of COVID-19. Behaviour Change, 37(3), 111–115.
McCall, H. C., Helgadottir, F. D., Menzies, R. G., Hadjistavropoulos, H. D., & Chen, F. S. (2019). Evaluating a web-based social anxiety intervention among community users: Analysis of real-world data. Journal of Internet Medical Research, 21 (1), Article e11566.
Tran, V., Lam, M. K., Amon, K. L., Brunner, M., Hines, M., Penman, M., Lowe, R., & Togher, L. (2017). Interdisciplinary eHealth for the care of people living with traumatic brain injury: A systematic review. Brain Injury, 31(13–14), 1701–1710.
Finch, E. C., Iverach, L., Menzies, R. G., & Jones, M. (2016). Terror mismanagement: Evidence that mortality salience exacerbates attentional bias in social anxiety, Cognition and Emotion, 30(7), 1370–1379.
Lam, M. K., Hines, M., Lowe, R., Nagarajan, S., Keep M., Penman, M., & Power, E. (2016). Preparedness for eHealth: Health sciences students’ knowledge, skills and confidence, Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, 15, 305–334.
Menzies, R. G., Menzies, R. E., & Iverach, L. (2015). The role of death fears in obsessive compulsive disorder. Australian Clinical Psychologist, 1(1), 6–11.
Iverach, L., Menzies, R. G., & Menzies, R. E. (2014). Death anxiety and its role in psychopathology: Reviewing the status of a transdiagnostic construct, Clinical Psychology Review, 34(7), 580–593.
Lam, M. K., Nguyen, M., Lowe, R., Nagarajan, S. V., & Lincoln, M. (2014), "I can do it": Does confidence and perceived ability in learning new ICT skills predict pre-service health professionals' attitude towards engaging in e-healthcare? Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 204, 60–66.
Vaccaro, L. D., Jones, M. K., Menzies, R. G., & Wootton, B. M. (2014). The treatment of obsessive-compulsive checking: A randomised trial comparing danger ideation reduction therapy with exposure and response prevention, Clinical Psychologist, 18(2), 74–95.
Helgadóttir, F. D., Menzies, R. G., & Einstein, D. A. (2012). Magical thinking and obsessive-compulsive symptoms in Australia and Iceland: A cross-cultural comparison. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 1(3), 216–219.
Jones, M. K., Wootton, B. M., Vaccaro, L., & Menzies, R. (2012). The impact of climate change on obsessive compulsive checking concerns. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 46(3), 265–270.
Einstein, D. A., Menzies, R. G., St Clare, T., Drobny, J., & Helgadottir, F. (2011). The treatment of magical ideation in two individuals with obsessive compulsive disorder. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 4(1), 16–29.
Vaccaro, L., Jones, M. K., Menzies, R. G., & Wootton, B. M. (2010). Danger ideation reduction therapy for obsessive–compulsive checking: Preliminary findings. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 39(4), 293–301.
Lovibond, P., Mitchell, C., Minard, E., Brady, A., & Menzies, R. G. (2009). Safety behaviours preserve threat beliefs: Protection from extinction of human fear conditioning by an avoidance response. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 47(8), 716–720.
Einstein, D. A., & Menzies, R. G. (2008). Does magical thinking improve across treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder. Behaviour Change, 25(3), 149–155.
Pishyar, R., Harris, L. M., & Menzies, R. G. (2008). Responsiveness of measures of attentional bias to clinical change in social phobia. Cognition and Emotion, 22(7), 1209–1227.
Krochmalik, A., Jones, M. K., & Menzies, R. G. (2007). The acquisition of washing behaviours in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Behaviour Change, 24(4), 219–230.
Berle, D., Blaszczynski, A., Einstein, D. A., & Menzies, R. G. (2006). Thought-action fusion in schizophrenia: A preliminary investigation. Behaviour Change, 23(4), 260–269.
Einstein, D. A., & Menzies, R. G. (2006). Magical thinking in obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder and the general community. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 34(3), 351–357.
Govender, S., Drummond, L. M., & Menzies, R. G. (2006). Danger ideation reduction therapy for the treatment of severe, chronic and resistant obsessive-compulsive disorder. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 34(4), 477–480.
Overton, S. M., & Menzies, R. G. (2005). Cognitive change during treatment of compulsive checking. Behaviour Change, 22(3), 172–184.
Einstein, D. A., & Menzies, R. G. (2004). The presence of magical thinking in obsessive compulsive disorder. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 42(5), 539–549.
Einstein, D. A., & Menzies, R. G. (2004). Role of magical thinking in obsessive-compulsive symptoms in an undergraduate sample. Depression and Anxiety, 19(3), 174–179.
Harris, L. M., Cumming, S. R., & Menzies, R. G. (2004). Predicting anxiety in magnetic resonance imaging scans. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 11(1), 1–7.
Krochmalik, A., Jones, M. K., Menzies, R. G., & Kirkby, K. (2004). The superiority of Danger Ideation Reduction Therapy (DIRT) over Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) in treating compulsive washing. Behaviour Change, 21(4), 251–268.
Menzies, R. G. (2004). New directions for Behaviour Change [Editorial]. Behaviour Change, 21(1), iii–iv.
O’Brien, M., Jones, M. K., & Menzies, R. G. (2004). Danger Ideation Reduction Therapy (DIRT) for intractable, adolescent compulsive washing: a case study. Behaviour Change, 21(1), 57–65.
Pishyar, R., Harris, L. M., & Menzies, R. G. (2004). Attentional bias in social anxiety. International Journal of Psychology, 39(5–6), 188.
Pishyar, R., Harris, L. M., & Menzies, R. G. (2004). Attentional bias for words and faces in social anxiety. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 17(1), 23–36.
De Silva, P., Menzies, R. G., & Shafran, R. (2003). Spontaneous decay of compulsive urges: The case of covert compulsions. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 41(2), 129–137.
Gilroy, L. J., Kirkby, K. C., Daniels, B. A., Menzies, R. G., & Montgomery, I. M. (2003). Long-term follow-up of computer-aided vicarious exposure versus live graded exposure in the treatment of spider phobia. Behavior Therapy, 34(1), 65–76.
Gilroy, L. J., Kirkby, K. C., Daniels, B. A., Menzies, R. G., & Montgomery, I. M. (2002). Danger expectancies, self-efficacy and subjective anxiety as mediators of avoidance behaviour in spider phobia. Behaviour Change, 19(3), 129–137.
Jones, M. K., Menzies R. G., Walter, G., O’Brien, M., Denshire, E., & Crain, L. M. (2002). Danger ideation reduction therapy: A new treatment for obsessive compulsive disorder. The Canadian Child Psychiatry Review, 11, 22–28.
Overton, S. M., & Menzies, R. G. (2002). A comparison of checking-related beliefs in individuals with obsessive compulsive disorder and normal controls. Behaviour Change, 19(2), 67–74.
Poulton, R., & Menzies, R. G. (2002). Fears born and bred: Toward a more inclusive theory of fear acquisition. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 40(2), 197–208.
Poulton, R., & Menzies, R. G. (2002). Non-associative fear acquisition: A review of the evidence from retrospective and longitudinal research. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 40(2), 127–149.
Bensoussan, A., Chang, S. W., Menzies, R. G., & Talley, N. J. (2001). Application of the general health status questionnaire SF36 to patients with gastrointestinal dysfunction: initial validation and validation as a measure of change. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 25(1), 71–77.
Dewis, L. M., Kirkby, K. C., Martin, F., Daniels, B. A., Gilroy, L. J., & Menzies, R. G. (2001). Computer-aided vicarious exposure versus live graded exposure for spider phobia in children. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 32(1), 17–27.
Harris, L. M., Menzies, R. G., & Robinson, J. (2001). Predictors of panic symptoms during magnetic resonance imaging scans. International Journal of Behavioural Medicine, 8(1), 80–87.
Heading, K., Kirkby, K. C., Martin, F., Daniels, B. A., Gilroy, L. J., & Menzies, R. G. (2001). Controlled comparison of single-session treatments for spider phobia: Live graded exposure alone versus computer-aided vicarious exposure. Behaviour Change, 18(2), 103–113.
Krochmalik, A., Jones, M. K., & Menzies, R. G. (2001). Danger Ideation Reduction Therapy (DIRT) for treatment-resistant compulsive washing. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 39(8), 897–912.
Menzies, R. G., & Parker, L. (2001). The origins of height fear: An evaluation of neoconditioning explanations. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 39(2), 185–199.
Poulton, R., Milne, B. J., Craske, M. G., & Menzies, R. G. (2001). A longitudinal study of the etiology of separation anxiety. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 39(12), 1395–1410.
Poulton, R., Waldie, K. E., Menzies, R. G., Craske, M. G., & Silva, P. A. (2001). Failure to overcome ‘innate’ fear: A developmental test of the non-associative model of fear acquisition. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 39(1), 29–43.
Gilroy, L. J., Kirkby, K. C., Daniels, B. A., Menzies, R. G., & Montgomery, I. M. (2000). Controlled comparison of computer-aided vicarious exposure versus live exposure in the treatment of spider phobia. Behavior Therapy, 31(4), 733–744.
Jones, M. K., & Menzies, R. G. (2000). Danger expectancies, self-efficacy and insight in spider phobia. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 38(6), 585–600.
Kirkby, K. C., Berrios, G. E., Daniels, B. A., Menzies, R. G., Clark, A., & Romano, A. (2000). Process-outcome analysis in computer-aided treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 41(4), 259–265.
Menzies, R. G., Harris, L. M., Cumming, S. R., & Einstein, D. A. (2000). The relationship between inflated personal responsibility and exaggerated danger expectancies in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 38(10), 1029–1037.
Poulton, R., Waldie, K. E., Craske, M. G., Menzies, R. G., & McGee, R. (2000). Dishabituation processes in height fear and dental fear: An indirect test of the non-associative model of fear acquisition. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 38(9), 909–919.
Harris, L. M., & Menzies, R. G. (1999). Mood and prospective memory. Memory, 7(1), 117–127.
Harris, L. M., Robinson, J., & Menzies, R. G. (1999). Evidence for fear of restriction and fear of suffocation as components of claustrophobia. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 37(2), 155–159.
Menzies, R. G. (1999). [Review of the book Obsessive-compulsive disorder—The facts, 2nd Ed., by P. De Silva & S. Rachman]. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 37(4), 395–396.
Poulton, R., Menzies, R. G., Craske, M. G., Langley, J. D., & Silva, P. A. (1999). Water trauma and swimming experiences up to age 9 and fear of water at age 18: A longitudinal study. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 37(1), 39–48.
Bensoussen, A., Talley, N., Hing, M., Guo, A., & Menzies, R. G. (1998). Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome with Chinese herbal medicine: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of the American Medical Association, 280(18), 1585–1589.
Harris, L. M., & Menzies, R. G. (1998). Changing attentional bias: Can it effect self-reported anxiety? Anxiety, Stress, and Coping, 11(2), 167–179.
Jones, M. K., & Menzies, R. G. (1998). Danger Ideation Reduction Therapy (DIRT) for obsessive-compulsive washers: A controlled trial. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 36(10), 959–970.
Jones, M. K., & Menzies, R. G. (1998). The relevance of associative learning pathways in the development of obsessive-compulsive washing. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 36(3), 273–283.
Jones, M. K., & Menzies, R. G. (1998). Role of perceived danger in the mediation of obsessive-compulsive washing. Depression and Anxiety, 8(3), 121–125.;2-P
Menzies, R. G. (1998). Cognitive-behavior therapy by any other name still smells as sweet. Archives of General Psychiatry, 55(7), 664–665.
Menzies, R. G., Harris, L. M., & Jones, M. K. (1998). Evidence from three fearful samples for a poor insight type in specific phobia. Depression and Anxiety, 8(1), 29–33.;2-0
Menzies, R. G., Kirkby, K., & Harris, L. M. (1998). The convergent validity of the Phobia Origins Questionnaire (POQ): A review of the evidence. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 36(11), 1081–1089.
Poulton, R., Davies, S., Menzies, R. G., Langley, J. D., & Silva, P. A. (1998). Evidence for a non-associative model of the acquisition of a fear of heights. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 36(5), 537–544.
Davey, G. C. L., Menzies, R., & Gallardo, B. (1997). Height phobia and biases in the interpretation of bodily sensations: Some links between acrophobia and agoraphobia. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 35(11), 997–1001.
Harris, L. M., & Menzies, R. G. (1997). Mood and prospective memory. Australian Journal of Psychology, 49(S1), 101.
Jones, M. K., & Menzies, R. G. (1997). The cognitive mediation of obsessive-compulsive handwashing. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 35(9), 843–850.
Jones, M. K., & Menzies, R. G. (1997). Danger Ideation Reduction Therapy (DIRT): Preliminary findings with three obsessive-compulsive washers. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 35(10), 955–960.
Menzies, R. G., & Harris, L. M. (1997). Mode of onset in evolutionary-relevant and evolutionary-neutral phobias: Evidence from a clinical sample. Depression and Anxiety, 5(3), 134–136.;2-E
Harris, L. M., & Menzies, R. G. (1996). Origins of specific fears: A comparison of associative and nonassociative accounts. Anxiety, 2(5), 248–250.;2-I
Harris, L. M., & Menzies, R. G. (1996). Targeting attentional bias: Can it impact on anxiety. International Journal of Psychology, 104.
Jones, M. K., & Menzies, R. G. (1996). The cognitive mediation of obsessive-compulsive hand-washing. International Journal of Psychology, 102.
Jones, M. K., Whitmont, S., & Menzies, R. G. (1996). Danger expectancies and insight in spider phobia. Anxiety, 2(4), 179–185.;2-J
Menzies, R. G. (1996). Individual response patterns and treatment matching in the phobic disorders: A review. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 35(1), 1–10.
Menzies, R. G. (1996). Mode of onset in biologically-relevant and biologically-neutral specific phobias. International Journal of Psychology, 102.
Menzies, R. G. (1996). The origins of specific phobias in a mixed clinical sample: Classificatory differences between two origins instruments. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 10(5), 347-354.
Menzies, R. G., Menzies, R. E., & Dingle, G. A. (Eds.). (2022). Existential concerns and cognitive-behavioral procedures: An integrative approach to mental health. Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
Menzies, R. E. & Menzies, R. G. (2021). Mortals: How the fear of death shaped human society. Sydney: Allen and Unwin.
Menzies, R. G., & Menzies, R. E. (2019). Tales from the valley of death: Reflections from psychotherapy on the fear of death. Australia: Australian Academic Press.
Menzies, R. E., Menzies, R. G., & Iverach, L. (Eds.). (2018). Curing the dread of death: Theory, research and practice. Brisbane, Australia: Australian Academic Press.
Menzies, R. G., Kyrios, M., & Kazantzis, N. (Eds.). (2016). Innovations and Future Directions in the Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies. Samford Valley, Australia: Australian Academic Press.
Menzies, R. G., & Laurent, S. (2014). The Anger Fallacy Workbook: Practical Exercises for Overcoming Irritation, Frustration and Anger. Queensland, Australia: Australian Academic Press.
Laurent, S., & Menzies, R. G. (2013). The Anger Fallacy: Uncovering the Irrationality of the Angry Mindset. Queensland, Australia: Australian Academic Press.
Vicario, L., Jones, M. K., Menzies, R. G., & St Clare, T. (2010). Danger Ideation Reduction Reduction Therapy (DIRT) for Obsessive-Compulsive Checkers: A Comprehensive Guide to Treatment. Brisbane, Australia: Australian Academic Press.
St Clare, T., Menzies, R. G., & Jones, M. (2008). Danger Ideation Reduction Therapy (DIRT) for Obsessive- Compulsive Washers: A Comprehensive Guide to Treatment. Brisbane, Australia: Australian Academic Press.
Menzies, R. G., & De Silva, P. (Eds.). (2003). Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Theory, research and treatment. United Kingdom: John Wiley & Sons.
Book chapters
Kyrios, M., Menzies, R., & Kazantzis, N. (2022). Cognitive behavioral therapy in Australia. In M. Terjesen & K. A. Doyle, (Eds.), Cognitive behavioral therapy in a global context (pp. 51–62). Switzerland: Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland AG..
Menzies, R. G. (2022). Failed potentialities, regret and their link to depression and related disorders. In. R. G. Menzies, R. E. Menzies, & G. A. Dingle, (Eds.). Existential concerns and cognitive-behavioral procedures: An integrative approach to mental health (pp. 223–234). Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
Menzies, R. G. (2022). Reframing the past and the treatment of existential guilt and regret. In. R. G. Menzies, R. E. Menzies, & G. A. Dingle, (Eds.). Existential concerns and cognitive-behavioral procedures: An integrative approach to mental health (pp. 235–248). Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
Menzies, R. G., & Menzies, R. E. (2019). Emotional pain and suffering: The search for global solutions beyond the clinic. In P. Rhodes (Ed.), Beyond the psychology industry: What kind of therapy do we need now? (pp. 11–22). Switzerland: Springer Nature.
Menzies, R. G., & Menzies, R. E. (2018). The death instinct and psychodynamic accounts of the wound of mortality. In R. E. Menzies, R. G. Menzies, & L. Iverach (Eds.), Curing the dread of death: Theory, research and practice (pp. 83–101). Brisbane, Australia: Australian Academic Press.
Menzies, R. G., & Menzies, R. E (2018). Fear of death: Nature, development and moderating factors. In R. E. Menzies, R. G. Menzies, & L. Iverach (Eds.), Curing the dread of death: Theory, research and practice (pp. 21–40). Brisbane, Australia: Australian Academic Press.
Menzies, R. G. (2017) Obsessive compulsive and related disorders. In E. Rieger (Ed.), Abnormal psychology: Leading researcher perspectives (4th ed.). Chapter 3. Sydney: McGraw Hill.
Iverach, L., Menzies, R. G., & Menzies, R. E. (2016). Fear of death underlies most of our phobias. In J. Watson (Ed.), The Conversation yearbook 2016: 50 standout articles from Australia’s top thinkers. Melbourne, Australia: Melbourne University Publishing.
Jones, M. K,, Menzies, R. G,, Vaccaro, L. D., & St Clare, T. (2016), Danger ideation reduction therapy, The curated reference collection in neuroscience and biobehavioral psychology (pp. 615–619),
Menzies, R. E., & Iverach, L. (2016). The dread of death and its relationship to mental health. In R. G. Menzies, M. Kyrios, & N. Kazantzis (Eds.), Innovations and future directions in the behavioural and cognitive therapies (pp. 219–223). Queensland, Australia: Australian Academic Press.
Menzies, R. E., & Menzies, R. G. (2016). Anxiety Disorders: Gender Differences. In A. E. Wenzel (Ed.), The SAGE encyclopedia of abnormal and clinical psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
Menzies, R. E., & Menzies, R. G. (2016). Anxiety Disorders: Incidence and Prevalence. In A. E. Wenzel (Ed.), The SAGE encyclopedia of abnormal and clinical psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
Menzies, R. E., & Menzies, R. G. (2016). Anxiety Disorders: Lifespan Perspectives. In A. E. Wenzel (Ed.), The SAGE encyclopedia of abnormal and clinical psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
Menzies, R. G. (2015), Cognitive model of emotion. In P. Boyce, A. Harris, J. Drobny, L. Lampe, V. Starcevic, & R. Bryant (eds.),The Sydney anxiety handbook of anxiety disorders (pp. 264–269). Sydney, Australia: The University of Sydney,
Menzies, R. G. (2015), Cognitive restructuring. In P. Boyce, A. Harris, J. Drobny, L. Lampe, V. Starcevic, & R. Bryant (eds.),The Sydney anxiety handbook of anxiety disorders (pp. 264–269). Sydney, Australia: The University of Sydney,
McEvoy, P., Abbott, M., Menzies, R. G., & Bryant, R. (2014). Anxiety, obsessive-compulsive and trauma-related disorders. In E. Rieger (Ed.), Abnormal psychology: Leading researcher perspectives (3rd ed., pp.43–88). Sydney, Australia: McGraw-Hill.
Page, A. C., Menzies, R. G., Bryant, R. A., & Abbott, M. (2011). Anxiety disorders. In E. Rieger (Ed.), Abnormal psychology: Leading researcher perspectives (2nd ed., pp. 45-90). Melbourne, Australia: McGraw-Hill.
Einstein, D., & Menzies, R. G. (2007). The treatment of magical ideation. In D. Einstein (Ed.), Innovations and advances in cognitive behaviour therapy (pp. 2–13). Brisbane, Australia: Australian Academic Press.
Einstein, D., & Menzies, R.G. (2003). Atypical presentations. In R. G. Menzies & P. de Silva (Eds.), Obsessive-compulsive disorder: Theory, research and treatment (pp. 209–220). UK: John Wiley & Sons.
Harris, L. M., & Menzies, R. G. (2003). Training, resources and service provision. In R. G. Menzies & P. de Silva (Eds.), Obsessive-compulsive disorder: Theory, research and treatment (pp. 349–359). UK: John Wiley & Sons.
Krochmalik, A., & Menzies, R. G. (2003). The classification and diagnosis of OCD. In R. G. Menzies & P. de Silva (Eds.), Obsessive-compulsive disorder: Theory, research and treatment (pp. 3–20). UK: John Wiley & Sons.
Jones, M. K., & Menzies, R. G. (2002). Danger ideation reduction therapy. In G. Zimmar, M. Hersen, & W. Sledge (Eds.), Encyclopedia of psychotherapy (pp. 615–619). New York: Academic Press.
Menzies, R.G., & Harris, L. M (2001). Non-associative factors. In M. W. Vasey & M.R Dadds (Eds.), The developmental psychopathology of anxiety (pp. 35-49). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Menzies, R. G. (1997). Height phobia. In G. C. L. Davey (Ed.), Phobias: Description, treatment and theory (pp. 139–153). London: John Wiley & Sons.
Menzies, R. G. (1997). Water phobia. In G. C. L. Davey (Ed.), Phobias: Description, treatment and theory (pp. 129–139). London: John Wiley & Sons.