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Providing evidence, methods, frameworks and debate to support improved gender and inclusion both within and through WASH.

Our work provides evidence and frameworks to support improved gender equality and inclusion within and through WASH programs and initiatives.

We promote consideration of power, culture and drivers of disadvantage and discrimination, leading to more equitable WASH services and associated gender equality and inclusion outcomes.

PROJECT | 2023-2025

Group photo of UNICEF East Asia Pacific Partnership.

UNICEF EAPRO partnership

UTS-ISF is working with UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office and country offices in the region to jointly build knowledge to inform climate resilient, safely-managed WASH services, including a focus on gender, inclusion, rights and accountability.


Location: Asia-Pacific region

Client: UNICEF

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PROJECT | 2022-2023


Gender integration in sanitation policy and programming: A rapid review

This review brought together the latest evidence, thinking and practice on gender integration in sanitation for WaterAid and the wider sector. Drawing on cases from across Asia and Africa, and guided by a published conceptual framework on gender-integration in WASH, the review highlighted eight characteristics of good practice and identified key policy changes needed at the global, national and subnational level to strengthen gender integration in the sanitation sector. The review report provides insight into the varied entry points for practitioners working on sanitation through illustrations of gender sensitive, gender responsive and gender transformative practice.


Client: WaterAid

Researchers: Avni Kumar, Juliet Willetts, Jess MacArthur

PROJECT | 2021-2022


Transformative leadership for inclusive WASH in Bhutan

This multi-partner project led by SNV in Bhutan aimed to address sectoral needs, including, increasing investment in women’s leadership skills, establishing networks and collective action, and working with men to increase women’s voice and influence in the WASH sector.


UTS-ISF led the action research and impact assessment activities which included partnership reflection and learning, and assessing outcomes for project participants.


Client: SNV Netherlands Development Organisation

Researchers: Diana Gonzalez Botero, Naomi Carrard

PROJECT | 2021-2022

Front cover of the Urban WaterGuide

Urban water guide

Urban water managers globally are now rethinking how to tackle water management issues, especially in light of climate change impacts on water systems and communities. This Guide, led by the CRC for Water Sensitive Cities and the Institute for Sustainable Futures, outlines key principles and considerations for developing integrated and inclusive approaches to managing water, energy and nutrient resources for low-energy and nature-based solutions.


Client: Australian Water Partnership (AWP)

Researchers: Melita Grant

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t: +61 2 9514 4950

Level 10, UTS Building 10
235 Jones Street
Ultimo NSW 2007, Australia

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