What we do
Biosciences and Proteomics Technologies is one of eight research facilities within the Faculty of Science at UTS. The research facilities provide a focus and concentration for technical skills and services in which UTS excels.
The Proteomics Core Facility partners its research closely with the i3 institute, the School of Medical and Molecular Biosciences, the Microbial Imaging Facility, and Chemical Technologies to develop protein extraction and solubilisation techniques to unbiasedly analyse an organism’s proteome.
Our staff will collaborate and consult on projects, provide their experience to assist researchers in experimental design, and train researchers in the relevant techniques and technologies to minimise timeframes and maximise data quality.

Our services
The research facility brings internationally recognised expertise in technology development for sample preparation, fractionation, two dimensional gel electrophoresis, multi-dimensional chromatography and mass spectrometry.
Biosciences and Proteomics Technologies staff can review and advise researchers on how the research facility can help them achieve their research goals. It will also provide detailed training in sample preparation techniques, gel-based separation technologies, gel imaging techniques, protein spot excision and preparation of isolated spots for mass spectrometry.
Subsequent to training, researchers will be able to access all of the research facility's technology and equipment. Consumables will be provided by the Biosciences and Proteomics Technologies on a cost recovery basis.