A page about what training the Facility offers

Courses and Training
The Proteomics Core Facility can be contacted for at the bench researcher facilitation.
Training is now offered on an as-requested basis.
We are happy to engage in collaborations where we help the user plan the experiments and train the user in the methodologies and data analysis, in return for co-authorship on any publications . The user provides the pair of hands and pays for whatever consumables and instrument time that they use for the project.
If this sounds reasonable, we invite users to send a broader outline of their nominated project and a summary of what they might like to examine, from which the collaboration can begin and we can plan experiments (some example workflows are below).
please contact the Facility’s Technical Director, Associate Professor Matt Padula to express your interest in training
Example 1: Sample preparation for isoelectric focusing.
Learn basic principles for the sample preparation of isoelectric focusing, including:
- Desalting
- Sequential extraction techniques
- Micro-organism extraction
- Membrane enrichment techniques
- Protein assays
- Reduction and alkylation
- Isoelectric focusing with IPG strips
Example 2: Sample preparation and two-dimensional electrophoresis course
Day 1
- Overview of the basic principles of sample prep for gel electrophoresis (tissue grinding, sonication, bead milling, etc.)
- Desalting
- Micro-organism extraction
- Membrane enrichment techniques
- Protein assays
- Reduction and alkylation
- Isoelectric focusing with IPG strips
- Liquid phase electrophoretic fractionation (Multicompartment electrolysers and Rotofor)
- Prep Cell
Day 2
- Equilibration of IPGs for second dimension electrophoresis
- Native and denaturing gels
- Buffer systems - stacking theory
- Gel Blotting to membranes
- Protein staining with visible stains, fluorescent stains and western blotting
Day 3
- Gel imaging and spot detection with Proteomeweaver and PDQuest
- Experimental design for differential display and DIGE experiments
- Troubleshooting