Boosting skills for future biologics industry
With the New Year comes new opportunities to learn new skills and explore new horizons.
These opportunities for professional development have been offered by the Biomanufacturing Immersion Facility (BIF) during their February short course session focusing on Downstream Bioprocessing training.
With the easing of COVID-19 restrictions and State borders re-opening at the beginning of 2021, BIF was pleased to welcome scientists and engineers from Queensland who attended this latest class.
The short courses are offered by BIF, in partnership with Dublin-based National Institute of Bioprocessing Research and Training (NIBRT) and Cytiva (formerly GE Healthcare), to deliver bioprocessing training to realise the potential of the future biotech and biopharmaceutical workforce.

NIBRT Single-use Technologies in Downstream Bioprocessing Operations short course in action at the Biologics Innovation Facility. Credit: Biologics Innovation Facility
Trainees coming from a wide range of biotech sectors, spent three days with the BIF team becoming familiarised with downstream bioprocessing and single-use technology key concepts and applications. The BIF team guided trainees to gain first-hand experience setting up and operating key instruments in downstream bioprocessing, such as the AKTA Ready for chromatography, and the AKTA ReadyFlux for filtration. Trainees were also familiarised with aseptic operations, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), and documentation, which is common practice in the biopharmaceutical manufacturing sectors.
“I enjoyed the downstream training, especially the practical classes,” said one of the trainees.
“It was quite different to what I previously knew and had experience in.”

Trainees learning how to install a single-use flow kit on a downstream bioprocessing filtration instrument called the AKTA ReadyFlux. Credit: Biologics Innovation Facility
Two of the trainees were supported by the Deep Green Biotech Hub’s (DGBH) ‘BIF Training Program’ voucher scheme, assisting eligible businesses to participate in BIF’s training courses. The voucher program, which is supported through the NSW Treasury’s Boosting Business Innovation Program, supports NSW biotech startups and SME’s in undergoing training in the world-class facility. Through these training vouchers, DGBH hopes to support innovation in biotechnology currently being developed in NSW.
BIF offers courses with hands-on training experiences in bioprocessing techniques, with a focus on the rising trend of single-use bioprocessing technologies.
Learn more
UTS NIBRT: Introduction to Bioprocessing