Atiqur Rahman Rasel

Entered PhD Program: July 2021
Principal Supervisors: Professor Talis Putnins and Dr Vinay Patel
Research topics:
- Market Microstructure
- Behavioural Finance
- Experimental Finance
Teaching areas:
- Introductory Finance and Economics
Academic Background and Work Experience:
Atiqur Rahman Rasel is a 3rd year PhD candidate at the University of Technology Sydney. His main research interests include behavioural finance, market microstructure, cryptocurrencies and experimental design. Atiqur has been working as a graduate research assistant since July 2020 on different research projects. Atiqur has won two research grants including UTS behavioural lab grant in 2023 (worth $2500) and Commonwealth Bank of Australia Hackathon Grant in 2022 (worth $8195).
Prior to his PhD, Atiqur completed a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) from the University of Wollongong with a first-class honours. In his honours year, he worked on cryptocurrencies where he exploited natural language processing (NLP) technique to examine market sentiment in the cryptocurrency market. At the University of Wollongong, he taught two undergraduate level subjects in finance and economics. Atiqur is enthusiastic about solving research problems in the traditional financial markets with special attention to market manipulation.
Published papers:
Suardi, S., Rasel, A. R. and Liu, B., 2022, "On the Predictive Power of Tweet Sentiments and Attention on Bitcoin", International Review of Economics & Finance, 79, 289-301.
Working papers:
Foley, S., Patel, V., Putnins, T. and Rasel, A. R., 2023, “In the Shadows: Strategic Information Concealment by Substantial Shareholders”, Working Paper.
Dhawan, A., Putnins, T. and Rasel, A. R., 2023, “Contagious Crime: How Cryptocurrency Manipulation Spills into Stocks”, Working Paper.
Juan Razquin, I. d., Putnins, T., Rasel, A. R. and Slonim, R., 2024, "Helping SCAM Victims Acknowledge that ‘they are Being SCAMMED’: A Lab Experiment", Working Paper.