UTS to host ANZAPS Planning Conference
The Australia & New Zealand Association of Planning Schools (ANZAPS) 2021 Conference will be held both online and on the vibrant UTS city campus, 24 & 25 September.

Image: Andy Roberts
The impact of Covid-19 continues to reverberate across communities, cities and nations world-wide. While some activities may return to a pre-pandemic 'normal', others will be irrevocably changed. We've seen planning education shift rapidly and dramatically – not only to an online environment, but to reconsider the entire content and methodologies for creating stimulating and valuable learning experiences. That process continues as we grapple with what it means to be an educator, researcher and planner in a post-Covid world.
UTS and the Faculty of Design, Architecture & Building invite you to participate in ANZAPS 2021 to discuss the role of planning education and research in shaping the planners of a post-pandemic world.
For any conference enquiries, email Gabriela Quintana Vigiola: gabriela.quintana@uts.edu.au