The future of news media standards schemes
Since the CMT was launched in 2017, we’ve been tracking developments in the operation of news media standards schemes around the world, as well as in Australia.
In our research report for the ACCC’s Digital Platforms Inquiry, The Impact of Digital Platforms of News and Journalistic Content, and in policy submissions on the News Media Bargaining Code and Media Diversity in Australia as well as in our academic work, we’ve been building the case for reform of Australian fragmented system of 14 different codes and standards dealing with core concepts such as accuracy, fairness, impartiality and the protection of privacy.
As part of the Future of News Media Standards Schemes project, we’ll progressively publish aspects of our research on international arrangements, beginning with Denmark. This information will be published in tables which set out some key features of the international schemes, including the standards-setting role and how complaints are handled, as well as funding and governance arrangements. We also intend to bring together some of our related research in a report for publication in 2024.
| download the table by clicking on the image below: