UTS Case Team hosts inaugural Global Case Competition
UTS Case Team goes from strength to strength as it hosts first annual Global Case Comp.

From November 12th to 14th 2021, the UTS Case Team is hosting its first annual Global Case Competition – an event where student teams from across the world work to solve real life business difficulties through intensive problem solving challenges.
Case teams representing 16 Business Schools from over 10 countries - including the Netherlands, Mexico, Canada, the United States, Thailand, Singapore and Hong Kong - will be competing in this year’s event, which is being sponsored by Stockland, PwC, L.E.K.Consulting and Boston Consulting Group.
The Competition’s key event, which is taking place virtually to allow for COVID-19 restrictions, will be the 12 Hour Case. In the 12 Hour Case, teams are divided into four pools and have a 12-hour window to solve a real life business problem, with the winners of each pool progressing to the finals.
Alongside the main event, virtual social gatherings for both faculty and students will follow the opening ceremony, allowing the international teams to mingle with their competition. As UTS Case Team Faculty Advisor, Michelle Cook, states “Students are really able to get a sense of belonging through the Case competitions – they’ve created their own community of like-minded, high achieving individuals”.
As the event has been wholly student-organised, the passion and enthusiasm is palpable. UTS Case Team President and Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation student, Jasmine Wong breathes a sigh of relief that the hard work has paid off.
“We can see the light now. This is the next big step at UTS, and we’re such a young Case Team, the first of its kind from UTS.”
The UTS Case Team was founded in August 2018 by two UTS students and with the support of the UTS Business School. Over three years, the Case Team has grown to over 40 members, and is going from strength to strength with recent wins at the KPMG, Lazaridis, Rotterdam, and AUBCC competitions.
“Students are really able to get a sense of belonging through the Case competitions – they’ve created their own community of like-minded, high achieving individuals” - Michelle Cook, UTS Case Team Faculty Advisor
The problems rained in case competitions vary from wealth management and online marketing strategy, to supply chain issues with carbon neutral Atlantic salmon, proving that a diverse set of skills is required for Case Team members.
As co-Vice President and Bachelor of Accounting Student, Rachelle Meagher explains, being in the Case Team has taught her “real time prioritisation and time management skills.” Her co-Vice President and fellow Bachelor of Accounting student, Alice Tran, agrees: “The skills we’ve learned – the problem solving, communication skills, interpersonal skills – have really helped instil a sense of confidence”.
These skills are proving to be immediately transferable, according to Joseph Drew, Case Team member and Bachelor of Business Bachelor of IT student, who also coded and built a bespoke website for the team. “(The Case Team) pushes you into putting yourself out there. I’ve found that all the skills you learn during the competitions help prepare you for interviews.”
And with nearly every graduating member of the UTS Case Team successfully lining up a graduate role - in areas such as consulting, IT, property or strategy – the proof is in the pudding.

To keep up with the UTS Case Team’s ongoing successes and future events, make sure to check out Joseph’s website: utscaseteam.com
On behalf of everyone at UTS Business School, we want to wish the UTS Case Team the very best of luck in their inaugural Global Competition and express how proud we are of everything they have achieved so far.