Qwickly is an attendance tracking tool available in Canvas. Qwickly allows you to view your attendance record, check-in during a session and, if applicable to your subject, view your marks associated with attendance.
Qwickly Attendance
Your Subject coordinator may choose to activate Qwickly in Canvas. If you cannot see the Qwickly Attendance link in your Canvas subject menu then your subject coordinator may be using a different method to take attendance.
Getting started
How to access Qwickly
If you do have access to Qwickly, you will be able to launch the tool from within Canvas. You can follow the steps below to launch Qwickly. If it is your first time launching the app, please read the section ‘Using Qwickly for the first time’ below.
Go to canvas.uts.edu.au and log in using single sign-on (SSO). If you need help logging into Canvas, you can find more information on the Canvas support page
Once logged into Canvas, select the subject that is using Qwickly for attendance recording
When on the subject’s landing page, you will see a ‘Qwickly attendance’ link on the course tools navigation menu on the left-hand side of the page.
Click on this ‘Qwickly attendance’ link to launch Qwickly
Using Qwickly for the first time
The first time you launch Qwickly Attendance in Canvas you will need to provide Qwickly with access to your Canvas account.
Qwickly will automatically request access the first time you click on the Qwickly link in your course menu (see image below).

Attendance can be taken in a number of ways when using Qwickly. Your instructor may choose to record attendance manually, much like a ‘roll call’, where you don’t need to take any action. However, your instructor may choose to use student Self Check-in, in this case you will need to launch Qwickly and follow instructions to confirm your attendance.
By default, Qwickly allows your instructor to record your attendance in one of three ways:
Your instructor may also choose to create custom statuses, such as 'Late' or 'Left early'. All statuses have an option for the instructor to leave a comment. You are able to request access to this comment.
If you are recorded as Absent from the session, your instructor may choose to send automated notification emails. If you receive an Absentee email but were in attendance, contact your subject coordinator.
How to self check-in
If your instructor chooses to activate self check-in you may need to enter a PIN number. This PIN number will will be provided to you by your instructor. A timer may also be set, in this case you will only have a limited period of time to mark yourself as present. Your Instructor may choose to use a combination of a PIN and a Timer, only one of these options, or may choose to not have either of these options.
When directed by your instructor to check-in, launch the Qwickly Attendance tool from your Canvas subject menu as shown in the ‘How to access Qwickly’.
Reminder: There is no notification or pop up message to let you know when Self check-in has started. Your instructor will advise you when to launch Qwickly. If you have launched Qwickly before self check-in commences you will need to close the page and re-launch Qwickly.
Check-in is only available when your instructor starts the check-in activity in Qwickly. If you don't see a check-in option, close Qwickly and open it again when instructed.
When you launch Qwickly, the screen will look different depending on the option chosen by the instructor.
Using a pin
If your instructor chooses to use a PIN for Self Check-in, you will see the following fields on screen when you launch Qwickly:
PIN input field (blank spaces for you to enter in the code)
Check-in button
The PIN will display on a shared screen, projection, or be provided verbally. The pin will be 4 numbers.
To check-in successfully, you will need to launch Qwickly via the Course menu in your Canvas subject site, input the PIN into the available field and click on the ‘Check-in’ button.
If the instructor is also using a timer, you will be able to see a countdown clock on-screen. Make sure you input the PIN and click on the ‘Check-in’ button before the countdown clock finishes.
Using a Timer
If your instructor chooses to use a Timer for Self Check-in, you will see the following fields on screen when you launch Qwickly:
Countdown clock
Check-in button
To check-in successfully, you will need to launch Qwickly via the Course menu in your Canvas subject site and click on the ‘Check-in’ button before the countdown clock finishes.
No timer or Pin
If your instructor does not use a PIN or a Timer, all you need to do is launch Qwickly via the Course menu in your Canvas subject site and click ‘Check-in’.
After you have checked-in
Once the check-in session ends either automatically by the countdown timer or manually by your instructor you can refresh your screen to check your attendance record.
If your attendance has been recorded incorrectly, please notify your instructor as soon as possible.
To take attendance, Qwickly captures student information via Canvas. The Qwickly Attendance tool retrieves all student information directly from Canvas, including:
- First and last name
- Student ID
Email address
To enhance attendance capturing and reduce lag-time, Qwickly will store student data locally so that it can be accessed more efficiently the next time attendance is taken. Any student information collected when using Qwickly is stored within Australia with the vendor under contract with UTS, in line with Qwickly's Privacy Policy, and will be deleted after 12 months.
How to opt-out of having your data stored
Launch Qwickly via the course menu in your Canvas subject site
Click on the message "Qwickly stores some user data" located in the bottom right corner of your Qwickly Attendance browser window.
A pop up message will appear. Use the "Click here" link to opt out of Qwickly caching your data.
Further information is available here:
Student responsibility
You are responsible for recording accurate information about your attendance and not share your access with others. Any misuse of the attendance tool, such as recording attendance when absent, will be treated as misconduct in line with section 16 of the Student Rules. For more information please read the Students rights and responsibilities policy.
Attendance records
Qwickly also provides a student-view of attendance record. You can access your attendance record at any time via Canvas.
To monitor or track attendance, your subject coordinator may also allocate a mark to your attendance. In many cases, these marks will not impact your grade. For specific details on how attendance marks are allocated for your subject, please consult your Subject outline.
If marks are allocated to attendance, you will also be able to view these marks in the Canvas gradebook once published. For more information, please view the drop-down information below.
How to view your attendance record
You can view your attendance record the same way you will launch Qwickly to self check-in:
Open your Canvas subject site.
Launch the Qwickly Attendance link from the course menu. This will open your attendance record in a new tab.
You should see:
The name of your course in the top right of the screen along with any sections or groups you belong to.
Your name in the centre
The total number of absences calculated for the course so far
And a list of the Attendance dates taken in the course, along with the status received by the student for each of the sessions, and any comments made visible to the student.
View marks associated with attendance
If your instructor has opted to allocate marks for attendance or subtract marks for absences, you will be able to find this grade in your Canvas gradebook. You can find more information on how to locate and access your Canvas gradebook in the Canvas student guide: Assessments in Canvas.
Reminder: For specific details on how attendance marks are allocated for your subject, please consult your Subject outline.
Need support with Qwickly?
If you’re having trouble logging in to Canvas using your UTS credentials, head to uts.edu.au/MFA or call the UTS IT Support Centre on +61 2 9514 2222
If you have questions relating to your attendance record, including incorrect recorded attendance, marks or tutorial allocation, please contact your Subject co-odinator