Frequently asked questions
How do I apply for an undergraduate degree?
Domestic student? See our domestic application process.
International student? See our international application process.
How do I apply for a postgraduate coursework degree?
Domestic student? See our domestic application process.
International student? See our international application process.
How do I apply for a postgraduate research degree?
How do I apply for non-award/cross-institutional study at UTS?
See our non-award and cross institutional study page.
How do I apply for exchange/study abroad at UTS?
See our study abroad or exchange page.
How do I accept my offer?
Follow the steps to start at UTS.
For help with using My Student Admin to accept your offer, see our guide to enrolling (PDF, 2MB)
Research student? See more information on accepting your offer.
International student? See more information on accepting your offer.
When's the last day to accept my offer?
Session | last day to accept an offer |
Summer session 2022 Main Calendar Summer session | 13 December 2022 |
Autumn session 2023 Main Calendar, Health UG Calendar, GSH Calendar Autumn Session, Education UG + PG Calendar | 6 March 2023 |
See more on principal dates (last day to be admitted).
International student? See more information on accepting your offer.
How do I defer my offer?
See our criteria for deferring your course.
Unique Student Identifier (USI)
What is a Unique Student Identifier (USI)?
A USI is your individual reference number for your education journey in Australia.
All higher education students (including Higher Degree Research) will need to have a USI in order to graduate and receive their award from 1 January 2023. This includes all students who started studies before 2021, as well as all international students studying onshore.
Please ensure that your personal information at the USI Registry Office is exactly the same as the information at UTS (e.g. Name, Date of Birth). This will avoid the risk of having an unverified USI which will have an impact on your enrolment and graduation.
When do I need a USI?
We suggest you apply for your USI straight away. Domestic and onshore international students are able to submit their USI during enrolment.
If you belong to one of the following cohorts, you must provide your USI no later than the census date of your first enrolled session.
- Anyone in a Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP)
- Anyone seeking Financial Assistance (HECS-HELP, FEE-HELP, OS-HELP, SA-HELP)
- Onshore international students
- Higher Degree Research students
What happens if I don't provide a USI?
You won't be able to graduate and receive your award (testamur) from 1 January 2023 unless you have provided your USI to UTS, unless you are studying offshore
Domestic Students
If you are a domestic student, you need a USI to apply for:
a Commonwealth supported place (CSP)
Commonwealth financial assistance (HECS-HELP, FEE-HELP, OS-HLEP, SA-HELP)
If you do not provide a USI by the Census session date you will be withdrawn from your subjects.
UTS will apply a USI sanction to your student account if you have not provided a USI by the Census date or have provided a USI that is unverified. Your exam results and academic records are withheld, study plan amendment is blocked until your USI is provided or verified.
USI sanction - Unverified USI or have not provide an USI (Stop enrolment), which can be viewed in My Student Admin.
How do I get a USI?
It is free and easy to create your USI. Go to and click 'Create a USI'.
You will require documentation to prove your identity. The following are acceptable forms of ID to create a USI. You will need at least one of the identity documents listed below:
- Australian Passport
- Non-Australian Passport (with Australian Visa)
- Australian Birth Certificate
- Australian Driver's Licence
- Medicare Card
- Certificate of Registration by Descent
- Centrelink Concession Cards
- Citizenship Certificate
- ImmiCard
What if I already have a USI and I have forgotten it?
If you have undertaken any education training in Australia since 2015, you probably already have a USI. If you are unsure, or if you have forgotten, please go to the Find your USI page to check.
What if I do not want a USI?
All Vocational Education and Training (VET) and Higher Education students must have a Unique Student Identifier (USI) if they are studying in Australia, or with an Australian provider.
Students may apply for an exemption from having a USI, however they must understand the consequences if they do not have a USI.
If you do not recieve a USI number you will not be eligible for Commonwealth financial assistance or a Commonwealth supported place.
Commonwealth financial assistance includes:
- a Commonwealth supported place
- HECS-HELP assistance or FEE-HELP assistance
- OS-HELP assistance
- SA-HELP assistance in relation to student services and amenities fees.
I'm an International student, do I need a USI?
Yes. If you are going to be located in Australia while studying, you will need to provide a USI (Unique Student Identifier). Please note international students cannot create a USI until they have arrived in Australia.
You will not need to provide a USI and will automatically be exempt, if:
- you complete all your study outside of Australia, or
- you commenced your studies before 1 January 2023 and you are not in Australia to receive your award
I am currently studying in Australia
International students (including New Zealand Citizens) studying onshore, in Australia, will need a USI. Once you arrive in Australia you can use your Australian visa as a form of ID when creating your USI.
I completed some of my studies in Australia but I have now left and I don’t have a USI
If you commenced your studies before 1 January 2023 and you are not in Australia to receive your award, you will be automatically exempt from needing to have a USI and do not need to apply for a USI exemption.
If you commenced your studies after 1 January 2023 and you did not get a USI whilst in Australia, you will need to apply for a USI exemption^^ using the USI exemption form in order to be eligible for the conferral^ of your award. Please provide email receipt or a screenshot of your exemption request submission to AskUTS.
I completed all of my studies outside of Australia
International students who completed all their study outside of Australia do not need a USI and do not need to apply for USI exemption.
I should be exempt from needing a USI but I still have a sanction
If you are eligible to be automatically exempt but have received a USG sanction, please submit an AskUTS enquiry with an attached Request for International Movement Records to prove you have not entered or exited Australia during your studies.
^ Conferral is the administrative process by which your degree is awarded. You are considered a graduate of UTS once your conferral date has passed. Every student who fulfils the requirements for completion of an award course is eligible for formal conferral of the award by the University Academic Board.
^^Please note the Department of Education is currently seeking an amendment to the Student Identifiers (Higher Education Exemptions) Amendment (Education Minister Exemptions) 2022 ( so that students in the above cohort are automatically exempted by the Education Minister.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
How do I apply for RPL?
See our recognition of prior learning (RPL) page.
Enrolment & Course Advice
How do I enrol in subjects?
See our enrolling in subjects page.
For help with using My Student Admin to enrol in subjects, see our guide to enrolling (PDF, 2MB)
If you require any further assistance, please watch the How to enrol in subjects video (opens external site).
How do I create my timetable
Before you build your timetable, you’ll need to enrol in subjects for all sessions.
To build your timetable, log in to MyTimetable and follow the My Timetable help guide.
If you require any further assistance, please watch the How to choose your timetable video (opens external site).
Note: Allocations for the first half of 2023 will open at 9am on Tuesday 6 December 2022.
To help you plan before allocation opens, you can view all available subject activities and when they will run via the UTS Timetable Planner from 9am on Monday 28 November 2022.
I'm having trouble enrolling.
See our enrolment FAQ and troubleshooting page.
When’s the last day to enrol in subjects?
See our last day to enrol page.
When’s the last day to withdraw from subjects without penalty (census date)?
See our census date page.
How do I submit an eRequest?
If you need to make official changes to your study plan that you cannot self-manage in My Student Admin, you must submit an online application called an eRequest.
I want to take a break from studying (leave of absence).
See our leave of absence page.
Student ID Card
How do I get my student ID card?
See our Student ID card page and check out our How to get your UTS Student ID Card video on YouTube.
I've applied for an ID card and received an 'approved photo' email.
New students must order their ID card online via the CaptureME portal. Once your photo has been approved, you'll receive an email with instructions on how to obtain your ID card. When you receive your card, please make sure to sign the back of it on the grey strip.
If you’re a continuing student and have lost or damaged your ID card, please order a replacement online.
My student ID card is lost, stolen or damaged.
Apply for a replacement student card.
How do I get my invoice?
You can generate an eInvoice on My Student Admin.
Your eInvoice will be available to you approximately:
- 6-8 weeks prior to the due date for Primary sessions,
- and 4-6 weeks prior to the due date for short sessions.
Due dates can be found on the principal dates. See payment information.
How do I pay my fees?
You can find payment methods on your eInvoice.
UTS accepts multiple payment methods for student fees including BPAY, Billpay, Australia Post, mail and electronic funds transfer.
How do I apply for a Government HELP scheme (HECS-HELP, FEE-HELP, SA-HELP, OS-HELP)?
See our Government HELP scheme page.
How much are course fees?
See our fee calculator to determine course fees.
I'm having financial hardship.
Need some financial support? Our Financial Assistance Service team may be able to help you.
I'm having trouble paying my tuition fee by the due date. Who can I ask for advice/assistance?
If you are experiencing temporary financial difficulties, please submit an online enquiry via ASK UTS outlining your circumstances for a payment extension consideration.
You may also reach out to our Financial Assistance Service team who may be able to provide further support.
When are my fees due?
Payment dates are available at Tuition payment dates.
My invoice doesn't reflect my scholarship
If you're concerned that your scholarship is not reflecting on your outstanding balance, please contact the UTS Scholarships Office at
I made an overpayment. How can I request a refund?
You should provide your bank account details on My Student Admin and submit your refund request via If you have overpaid in a session other than your final session, the credit will be automatically rolled over to the next session unless you request for a refund.
I'm interested in a scholarship.
UTS is proud to award scholarships to its students every year. Through its scholarships, UTS endeavours to reward achievement and recognise motivation to succeed. UTS is also committed to providing support to students experiencing financial hardship and/or other educational disadvantages.
See our scholarships page for more information.
Travel Concession (OPAL)
Am I eligible for travel concession?
See the eligibility criteria for travel concession.
How do I apply for travel concession?
See our travel concessions page.
Essential results advice webinars
Missed out on one of the webinars? You can catch up with a recording of the session on our YouTube channel.
Find out about:
- how to access your results
- what to do if you fail or have a sanction
- Consent Matters training
- withheld or delayed results, and more.
I'm unhappy with my mark/grade.
To query your mark/grade for an assessment task, final exam, or the final mark for a subject, you should email your Subject Coordinator within 5 working days of its results release.
See our Query a mark or grade page for more information, including how to apply.
I can't see my results (withheld results).
Results are released on specified dates throughout the year. On these dates, you can access your results via My Student Admin.
If you can't see your results, it could be withheld for a few reasons:
- You have an outstanding fee(s) to pay. You can access your eInvoice on My Student Admin.
Your results will be available shortly after paying your fees. - You haven't completed the Consent Matters training module and received 100 percent in the quiz.
If you complete this module after the results release date, you'll need to wait up to 72 hours for your results to appear. - Your result has not been submitted by the faculty. You should contact your subject coordinator (usually found in your subject outline).
When are results released?
See our principal dates page (search 'release of results').
When will my graduation ceremony be?
Please visit Graduation invitation and deferral eligibility for further information.
I want my graduation documents.
Please visit Preparing to graduate for all graduation document information.
How do I get my Academic Record (Transcript)?
An academic record (academic transcript) is an official statement which displays all of your final subject results achieved through study at UTS as at the date of issuance.
Request your academic record.
How do I get my testamur or AHEGS?
See our AHEGS and Testamur page.
How do I get a statement of enrolment?
See our student records page.
How do I get a statement of course completion?
See our student records page.