UTS HDR Capability Framework
The UTS HDR Capability Framework has five interlocking components:
- Research Knowledge and Skills
Disciplinary knowledge capabilities: the development of research questions, and competency in research methods. This is the traditional focus of research study, now recognised as needing to be complemented by a range of other areas of capability. - Research Communication
Researchers need to be able to communicate their research and its implications to a diversity of audiences, using a range of media, from the thesis and journal articles for academics and scholars, to presentations, broadcasts, videos and social media aimed at audiences in the community, including journalists and funders. - Research Governance and Research Management
The responsibility of the researcher to take act with integrity, understanding of the policies within the university that govern the management of research projects and programs. It includes a focus on ethical practices in research and the impacts of research in society. - Impact and Engagement
Researchers learn to look beyond themselves and their own project, as they create and develop relationships within scholarly and professional networks. Through these networks, they can engage with real world problems and with the impact and changes their research can make, directly and indirectly. - Career Development
Acknowledges that research education leads to a wide range of careers, drawing on the specialist knowledge and skills developed in the higher degree programs, and that planning for a career after graduation will involve learning how to present those skills to optimise career potential.

Research Skills and Knowledge
Stage 1
- Conduct literature reviews
- Develop research questions
- Demonstrate an understanding of research methods used in the discipline
- Demonstrate an ability to design a research project using methods that are appropriate to the project and discipline
Stage 2
- Implement and defend choice of methods and proposed parameters of research (e.g. to an ethics committee)
- Undertake preliminary analysis of collected data
- Critically reflect on emerging findings
- Modify/adapt research questions, projects and methods to meet expected ethical or integrity standards, or in response to emerging findings
- Demonstrate progress of research project
Stage 3
- Implement and defend choice of methods and proposed parameters of research (e.g. to an ethics committee)
- Undertake preliminary analysis of collected data
- Critically reflect on emerging findings
- Modify/adapt research questions, projects and methods to meet expected ethical or integrity standards, or in response to emerging findings
- Demonstrate progress of research project
Career Development
Stage 1
- Plan interactions with the broader research, industry or professional community
To support that, the student should:
- Create ORCID identity
- Establish an online professional profile (for example, Google Scholar, LinkedIn, and/or your UTS researcher profile)
- Set up a Portfolium account
- Use an online tool to develop a skills profile
- Enrol in Career development modules in Canvas
- Consider an internship/placement and/or industry mentoring
Stage 2
- Demonstrate interactions with the broader research, industry or professional community
To support that, the student should:
- Update online professional profile(s)
- Revise cv/resume with support from SSU
- Continue with career development modules in Canvas
- Consider an internship/placement and/or industry mentoring program
- Identify one or more preferred areas of work, including professional opportunities in those areas and career skills required
- Participate/engage in external professional networks, associations, or events
- Enrol in Learning & Teaching credential
Stage 3
- Plan next steps in research career
To support that, the student should:
- Update online professional profile(s)
- Revise cv/resume with support from SSU
- Use an online tool to develop a skills profile
- Identify job opportunities requiring your knowledge and skillset
- Discuss career paths with members of the broader research, industry or professional community
- Participate in practice interviews and seek feedback on written application materials
- Participate/engage in external professional networks, associations, or events
Impact and Engagement
Stage 1
- Manage the relationship with supervisors
- Manage relationships with other internal and external stakeholders (e.g. research group, other researchers, research managers, industry partners)
- Appreciate the broader perspective of research and its impact in society
- Demonstrate the ability to balance and prioritise competing interests in managing one’s time
Stage 2
- Articulate the potential impact of one’s work in the broader context of society and community
- Demonstrate the development of research contacts/potential collaborations beyond the local research group and/or UTS
- Demonstrate the leadership and teamwork skills required to work in industry
Stage 3
- Demonstrate the potential impact of one’s work in the broader context of society and community
- Establish strong relationships with key people and create links in order to, for example, plan future research projects and take up opportunities for the development/implementation of the research outcomes
Research Governance and Research Management
Stage 1
- Explain the principles of research integrity and relevant governing policies or legislation
- Develop a data management plan relevant to research proposal
- Develop a project plan within the limitations of available resources
- Demonstrate the ability to balance and prioritise competing interests in managing one’s time
Stage 2
- Demonstrate an understanding of the principles in the ethical conduct of research
- Implement a project plan within known constraints and modify the plan as new constraints emerge from the context of the research (e.g. ethics committee stipulations, changes in the field, rights and obligations of the researcher and research team, standards of research practice)
- Modify and update data management plan in response to emerging data requirements
- Revise graduate research study plan where necessary
Stage 3
- Demonstrate that research has been conducted to the highest standard of transparency and ethical behaviour
- Publish data to standards expected of discipline/project
Research Communication
Stage 1
- Use the language of the discipline/s in oral presentations to expert audiences
- Communicate impact to lay-audiences
- Write research proposals
Stage 2
- Demonstrate emerging expertise using the language of the discipline or field across a number of spoken and written genres for different audiences
- Rigorously distinguish between their work and others in the field, based on experience, expertise and literature
Stage 3
- Successfully argue the nature and impact of their contribution to the field, based on experience, expertise and literature
- Contribute to and/or change the direction of the conversation within the discipline/field/profession through publicly available communication of new knowledge/insights
Ownership of Research Expertise
UTS supports the creation of a high-performing, talent-based research culture.
Academic and professional staff at UTS are …
- Committed to ownership of talent development and prioritization of quality as value propositions that underpin excellence.
- Personally committed to delivering excellent research through a collaborative and enquiring research culture.
Interrelated Teaching and Research
UTS supports the creation of a high-performing, talent-based research culture.
Academic and professional staff at UTS are …
- Practiced in embedding research as an integral element in curriculum design and empowering students to be active researchers in the construction of knowledge.
- Able to mobilise pedagogical practice to benefit research practice.
Valuing Disciplinary Diversity
UTS supports the creation of a high-performing, talent-based research culture.
Academic and professional staff at UTS are …
- Skilled at mobilising their own disciplinary capabilities, and aligning with others, to create cross-disciplinary or transdisciplinary collaborative networks.
Indigenous-led Knowledge and Research
UTS supports the creation of a high-performing, talent-based research culture.
Academic and professional staff at UTS are …
- Committed to enhancing the capacity for Indigenous researcher development in Indigenous-led, community-driven research that embraces Indigenous self-determination. This will ensure the commitment to the cultural continuity and empowerment of Indigenous Knowledges, protocols, practices and governance.
- When non-Indigenous, respectfully engaged in research collaborations that advances Indigenous researchers and/or communities with research strategies that empower Indigenous Knowledges, sovereignties and self-determination.
Research Impact and Engagement
UTS supports the creation of a high-performing, talent-based research culture.
Academic and professional staff at UTS are …
- Equipped with the expertise and skills to create knowledge exchange and research translation that deliver research outcomes for positive societal benefit.
Research Reputation
UTS supports the creation of a high-performing, talent-based research culture.
Academic and professional staff at UTS are …
- Knowledgeable in how to build and maintain a research profile and establish a reputation that enhances research impact locally, nationally and internationally.
Creativity and Innovation
UTS supports the creation of a high-performing, talent-based research culture.
Academic and professional staff at UTS are …
- Able to draw on capabilities in creative, professional and entrepreneurial practice to enhance the relationship between academic research programmes and transformation of practice.