Law and the Healthcare System: Supporting Positive Change for Doctors and Patients

Medico-Legal Drivers of Low Value Care
Led by Professor Nola Ries from 2018 to 2021, this Avant Foundation-funded project, Medico-Legal Drivers of Low Value Care, built on Professor Ries’ earlier work in health services policy. The research addressed defensive medical practices—such as unnecessary tests and treatments driven by legal liability concerns—and their contribution to low-value care that offers minimal benefit to patients. Through interviews with senior medical leaders, clinicians, and health consumer representatives, the study highlighted how legal concerns affect medical decision-making and doctor-patient relationships.
How we support positive change
The project identified the need to improve doctors’ legal knowledge, awareness of low-value care risks, and communication strategies. This led to the creation of an online course, Medico-legal Risks and Low-Value Care, available on NPS MedicineWise Learning, CPD-accredited by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. The course empowers practitioners to make informed decisions and enhance patient interactions.
Find out more
Visit the training course: Medico-legal Risks and Low-Value Care.
The research was featured in a segment on The Project in November 2021.
Nola M Ries, Briony Johnston & Jesse Jansen, ‘A qualitative interview study of Australian physicians on defensive practice and low value care: “it’s easier to talk about our fear of lawyers than to talk about our fear of looking bad in front of each other”’ (2022) 23(1) BMC Medical Ethics 16 (open access).
Nola M Ries, Briony Johnston & Jesse Jansen, ‘Views of healthcare consumer representatives on defensive practice: ‘We are your biggest advocate and supporter… not the enemy’ (2021) 25(1) Health Expectations 374 (open access).
Nola M Ries & Jesse Jansen, ‘Physicians’ views and experiences of defensive medicine: An international review of empirical research’ (2021) 125(5) Health Policy 634.