Luke Johnson

Entered PhD Program: April 2022
PhD Supervisor: Professor Talis Putnins and Dr Ester Felez Vinas
Research topics:
- Decentralised Finance
- Market Microstructure
- Market Surveillance
Academic Background and Work Experience:
Prior to his PhD, Luke completed his Bachelor of Business (Honours) at UTS with first-class honours. His honours thesis leveraged state-of-the-art natural language processing to assess the impact of regulation on corporate ESG reporting. To read his Honours thesis click here. Luke has also worked as a research assistant at Deakin University.
Luke is working with an industry partner Crypto Compare through the Digital Finance CRC to examine market quality with a focus on market manipulation in cryptocurrency markets. His research interests revolve around decentralised exchanges, cryptocurrency markets, and market manipulation.
Johnson, L., 2021, "Legislation vs Guidance: The ESG Disclosure Dilemma”, Honours Thesis, University of Technology Sydney.