Research continues global climb
UTS has continued its steady improvement in a major world ranking of university research performance.

The 2022 CWTS Leiden Ranking placed UTS as the 47th highest ranked university in the world, and second in Australia, for the proportion of publications in the top 10 percent of citations in scientific fields.
UTS also ranked first in Australia and 84th in the world for the proportion of scientific publications with international collaboration.
The university's performance has seen a rise in the CWTS Leiden rankings from 70th in the world on the headline measure in 2019.
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research), Professor Kate McGrath, said the rankings increases were one form of recognition of the growing quality of research and collaborations being conducted at UTS.
“At UTS, we keep delivering excellent research with growing global impact. The connectedness of our outstanding researchers is being increasing recognised internationally in citation measures such as these,” she said.
The ranking was underpinned by strong rankings for proportion of publications in top 10% of citations in physical sciences and engineering (15th in the world), mathematics and computer science (18th in the world) and life and earth sciences (25th in the world and first in Australia).