How to reapply to UTS
Whether you’re looking to start a new degree or transfer to UTS from another institution, we break down the process of reapplying.

Photo credit: Toby Burrows
Applying to university can be quite daunting, so needing to reapply after already going through that process is likely to raise questions and stress levels. Whether you’re looking to reapply to UTS from another institution or simply reapplying to another degree, fear not, the processes are quite simple and there are various services available to help!
Get your application sorted
The most common way to reapply to university is through UAC and in your application you will be able to select up to 5 course preferences.
Details that will go into your application:
Your ATAR (of course)
Your current education status
Any practical experience or additional qualifications you may have gained since leaving school
The university grades you’ve achieved so far (UAC will access these directly) if you have studied or are currently studying at another uni
UAC will weigh both your university marks and your ATAR to determine which score is more competitive to give you your best chance of gaining entry.
What does UTS offer?
UTS offers over 200 degrees in 11 areas of study, so you’re bound to find an area you’re interested in. Some courses only offer Autumn intakes whilst others have intakes during the Spring and Summer sessions too. For more information about specific intakes, the best way is to search your desired course is by using our course search tool.
In addition to your UAC application, certain courses at UTS offer admission schemes for non-recent school leavers, for example
Our Design, Architecture and Building Faculty allows non- recent school leavers to submit a digital portfolio and possibly attend an interview alongside their UAC application, increasing the competitiveness of their application.
Our Science Faculty offers a Science Aptitude Test which assesses your critical and analytical skills allowing you to demonstrate your potential within the scientific fields.
There are minimum requirements when applying to UTS (known as matriculation) so it’s best to check you meet them. Take your time to check out the course requirements.
What happens if I’m 'transferring'?
If you’re looking to study the same/ similar course at UTS from another institution you may like to submit a Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) form after accepting your offer to study at UTS. This allows students to possibly gain credit from a prior degree towards their new degree and simply requires disclosure of subjects previously completed.
Overall, applying to a new university or a new degree can sometimes be overwhelming or confusing, but once you put the wheels in motion it can actually be pretty simple. If you’re finding the process challenging, reach out to our Future Students team who will be happy to help!