How to nail your scholarship application

You’ve picked out a scholarship you’d like to apply to, or maybe a few – even better. Now the key is getting on with writing those applications. Here are some tips to keep in mind.
1. Personalise it but make it relevant
The scholarship committee wants to get an idea of who you are, and it is a chance for you to show your personality. It's especially effective if you can do this while keeping it relevant and professional. Your goal is to be persuasive about the ways you’re set apart from the other candidates.
2. Find out about the donor (if there is one for your chosen scholarship)
Knowing about the person, business or trust who is funding your scholarship is a good point of reference for you to create the right tone in your writing. If you can relate some of that information in your application, it shows you’re invested. It's especially effective if you can tie something about them or their values into your personal goals and experiences.
3. Know what the panel is looking for
The best way to show the committee what they’re looking for is first to find out exactly what that is. All scholarships will provide their own individual eligibility and selection criteria in the Conditions of Award. Spend some time figuring out how you fit into their picture of the ideal candidate.
4. Use an inspirational and positive tone
Choose topics that you are interested and passionate about because that will show through in your writing. The panel’s goal is to award and support someone who they can see is full of potential and talent, among other criteria, so that would be the best way to frame yourself.
5. Apply to multiple scholarships
This is one easy way to increase your odds of being awarded a scholarship. Some of the application criteria may be the same, and you will be able to reuse parts of your application to save time. Just make sure the information is edited to be relevant, so the scholarship committee isn’t left scratching their heads about what you’ve written.
If you don't get awarded a scholarship this time, don't worry, other scholarship opportunities will be available in the future!