Dennies Genardo
The first thing that I did was go to Network café. I met a lot of local and international students...
How did you meet new people?
The first thing that I did was go to Network café. I met a lot of local and international students there. They were so friendly and we still keep in touch today. I also joined Peer Network and other clubs as well.
What was your favourite place to hang or study at around UTS?
I love staying in the Library and Green area (Building 5). I always spent my time there when doing my assignments. Outside of campus, the Botanical Gardens and Darling Harbour are my favourite places.
What’s been your biggest ‘culture shock’ moment?
Most shops close at 5pm. Back in my country, almost every shop remains opens until 10pm. Another thing was that in the classes, speaking up was really important. Classes are more like discussion rather than lectures.
Have you found it difficult to understand Sydneysiders when they speak?
It took me a couple weeks (or maybe months) to really understand Australian English, but I made a lot of local friends here from Peer Network and other clubs. Practising and speaking English with my local friends helped to add to my English vocabulary.
What have been your best moments since you arrived?
That I was one of the Peer Networkers and I joined The Big Lift (one of the UTS Clubs) and UTS Exposure (Photography clubs). I made a lot of amazing friends there, from local to international students, and I love them. We had many good times together from partying to traveling. Then working for UTS International gave me experience in an Australian workplace and that was wonderful. And finally, I will be going on exchange to the Netherlands now. I can’t believe UTS provided all this.
Tips for future students?
Be brave and go out from your comfort zone. Try every single thing that UTS has, don’t be shy to make friends even though English is not your first language. They won’t laugh if you wrongly say something in fact they will help you. Don’t forget with your study as well. For my course, it is not really hard, but still it is not easy. Put your best effort in everything and try to be wise using your time and make timetable allocation.