Three students on why they switched to UTS

Whether you’re currently at a different uni, other higher education institution, or in the workforce, considering a change and starting at UTS could be a great option for you – and the process isn’t as daunting as it seems. These three students all reapplied (aka switched) to UTS to be in a degree or at an institution that truly suited their needs, here’s how they did it.
Mykaela - Bachelor of Law, Bachelor of Business

Tell us about your journey to UTS
After graduating from school in 2019, I began my tertiary education at another university, studying Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Law. While UTS was where I had always wanted to be, I had only been accepted at UTS to study for a Bachelor of Creative Intelligence/ Business. I had decided that Law was something I wanted to pursue, so I decided to commence studies at another university.
I always knew that UTS is where I wanted to graduate. Having a lot of my friends study at UTS and, quite frankly, spending more time at UTS than at my own university made me realise that when the opportunity came, I wanted to transfer. It was just about timing.
I applied again through UAC and was fortunate enough to be provided with an offer in mid-2021 into a Bachelor of Law/ Business, so of course I had to accept the offer. Since, UTS has provided me with an unmatched level of education, support, outstanding facilities, and endless career opportunities.
What was the reapplication process like for you?
The re-application process was so easy! It was as simple as applying by setting up a UAC account, placing your preferences in, and waiting for an outcome. Once I received the outcome, all that was left to do was enrol and apply for my Recognition of Prior Learning, meaning that I did not have to redo subjects I had already done at my previous university. It was as simple as filling out an application, and within a week, I had been recognised. Particularly having to do this all online due to COVID-19, the process was made so simple, with quick response times via phone or email or easy access portals to upload all the information required.
Lucia - Bachelor of Law, Bachelor of Communications (Creative Writing)

Tell us about your journey to UTS
I started a different degree at a different university in 2014, fresh out of high school. Back then, university was just something that was expected of me by my parents and family, and my attitude towards university reflected this outlook. My health severely declined, and I ended up dropping out in mid-2016 after a number of failed subjects. I then started working part-time while dealing with my health issues and figuring out my next steps.
I spent 2016 and 2017 re-evaluating my motivations for tertiary education, and I regarded UTS very highly because of its degree offerings and support for students with disabilities. I applied through UAC and was accepted to start in Autumn 2018.
What have been some of the benefits of transferring?
Transferring to a new university gave me the opportunity to start afresh. In a way, I was able to fix the mistakes from my first attempt at university.
I attended a first-year camp, despite being older than all the camp leaders! The people that I met at camp are still my friends today. I got involved with student societies, doing all sorts of things from mentoring, to event planning, to graphic design.
Most importantly, I have used and benefitted from all the services that UTS has to offer. Back at my first university, I was aware of student services in my periphery but always thought, ‘I don’t need that’ or ‘that’s not for me’. This time around, I have sought out assistance from the Accessibility Service, Financial Assistance Service, the Health Service, Counselling Service, HELPS (academic support) and UTS Careers.
Each of these services has helped me throughout my degree, and I probably would have dropped out again if not for the excellent support that UTS provides.
Kenny - Bachelor of Medical Science

Tell us about your journey to UTS
In mid-2018, I began my tertiary education at another institution with a Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice. I had hoped that I would join the police force and the army reserves when I graduated. However, I was devastated to find out that I would not be able to enlist due to my previously incurred injuries. I did two semesters of criminology units, and at that time, I realised that this degree wasn't for me. In mid-2019, in my third semester of university, I decided to broaden my horizons and take units from different faculties such as economics, astronomy, biology, and anatomy.
I immediately fell in love with the biological and health sciences. Learning about the human body made me appreciate my own body's complex anatomy and physiology and, further yet helped me understand and accept my situation.
Within a few weeks of undertaking the health science courses, I decided to further develop my passions and switch courses. I reapplied to UAC and selected my preferences: Nursing, Medical Science and Science (All at UTS). A few weeks after that, I received offers to undertake all three courses at UTS, and the rest is history.
UTS enticed me with its science facilities and its focus on practicality and job security. I still enjoy the student culture, which remained vibrant during and after the pandemic. The architecture feels fresh, open and natural and its convenient location makes my morning commute a stress-free experience.
What’s your advice for someone considering a change?
Find your niche and follow your passions.
Talk to friends, family, colleagues and people within the course or industry to see where your degree can take you.
Don't fall into the misconception that, for example, doing a science course or business course will set you down a narrow pathway. The skills you learn are translatable in many fields, and your career or educational experiences are significant assets that can help you transform and maximise the utility of the degree.
If you're already studying and considering a change, and if you have some free elective units and want to try something new. REMEMBER, you can always try to transfer your credits through Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).
Have questions about applying or reapplying to UTS as a non-school leaver? Contact our Future Students team on