This means working with others the right way.

Collaborate with care
1. Do group work the right way
To maintain academic integrity:

- Confirm the form of your group work task (for example, you may be assessed individually or as a group), with your tutor, lecturer or supervisor.
- If you are being assessed individually, all group members should work individually on their own sections. In your submission, make it clear who has done which piece of work.
- If you are being assessed as a group, keep a record of any discussions or decisions, and keep track of any changes to draft documents using suggested track changes.
- Talk to your tutor, lecturer or supervisor if there is an issue with unequal contributions to the overall group assessment or if you are concerned that a group member is not maintaining academic integrity.
- Confirm with your tutor or Subject Coordinator if and how you can collaborate with generative AI tools to complete the task.
To avoid misconduct:
Looking for support?
- Don't take credit for another member of the group's work.
- Don't do the work for another member of the group, even if they're not doing their fair share (talk to your tutor, lecturer or supervisor if this happens).
- Don't work with other group members to do your individual section if you are being assessed individually.
2. Study together with care
To maintain academic integrity:
- Share ideas and discuss course content (such as general themes, ideas and concepts).
- Take your own study notes.
To avoid misconduct:
- Don't work together on assessments that are meant to be completed individually.
3. Keep your assessments and study notes for you (even past ones)
To avoid misconduct:
- Don't share your assessments or study notes with friends or classmates (even if they just want to 'take a look').
- Don't share your assessments or study notes online or via file sharing sites.
4. Get the right extra help if you need it
To maintain academic integrity:
- Having a friend read your assessment for typos, spelling and minor grammar errors is okay (but changing your wording, content, structure or argument is misconduct)
- Get help developing your academic skills from UTS, including free and confidential assignment reviews.
To avoid misconduct:
- Don't use 'tutoring' or 'assignment help' websites or services (these are usually cheating sites or services).