Remembering Dr Tim Haslett
Renowned researcher in the area of complex social and management problems, Dr Tim Hassett, passed away in February of this year and was remembered in a special obituary piece published in the Sydney Morning Herald yesterday.

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Tim had a special and enduring connection with UTS, having developed and taught a unit in the School of Built Environment's Master of Project Management degree, alongside UTS Professor Shankar Sankaran.
Tim was a great teacher, and a natural systems thinker and students loved his style of teaching and his subtle humour that kept them working hard at all the challenges he posed in the classes. He designed and delivered the ‘Systems Thinking for Managers’ subject with me in 2010, and the subject always received very good feedback from students – even generating two PhD student who were inspired by the ideas from this subject.
We will be teaching the unit once again this year, and the class will feel empty without Tim.
– Shankar Sankaran
Tim's last class at UTS was delivered in October last year, and as always received highly positive feedback from students and other faculty staff. He is remembered fondly by the many who knew and learnt from him, at UTS Faculty of Design, Architecture & Building and beyond.
Read the full piece in the Sydney Morning Herald, here.