Distinguished researcher and education leader to join UTS
Professor Peta Wyeth will join UTS as the new Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and IT.

Professor Peta Wyeth will join UTS as the new Dean in the Faculty of Engineering and IT. Photo courtesy of QUT.
Professor Peta Wyeth, a distinguished academic at the forefront of values-led technology education and research, will join the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) as Dean in the Faculty of Engineering and IT (FEIT).
Professor Wyeth is a computer science researcher internationally recognised in the field of human-computer interaction, employing techniques from the fields of interaction and experience design, computer science, psychology and sociology in the design of educational and entertainment technology.
She currently serves as Deputy Dean in the Faculty of Science at Queensland University of Technology.
UTS Provost and Senior Vice-President Vicki Chen said she was impressed with Professor Wyeth’s significant experience in education leadership and her strong commitment to fostering research translation.
“Professor Wyeth brings to the role of Dean 20 years’ worth of insights and experience from her creative, innovative and interdisciplinary research, as well as her experience in leading and developing innovative learning and teaching strategies.
“Professor Wyeth’s leadership will strengthen FEIT’s position in the vanguard of innovation, excellence and societal impact.”
Professor Wyeth said the role of Dean in FEIT is an exciting opportunity to produce bold thinkers and leaders who are dedicated to tackling critical societal challenges through scientific and technological advancement.
“I look forward to leading within an organisation that is focussed on curriculum innovation to inspire future leaders, that amplifies outcomes through research and teaching spanning disciplinary boundaries, and that ensures impact through authentic partnerships.
“FEIT academics are well positioned to address critical issues in advanced manufacturing, artificial intelligence, robotics, quantum computing, health, transport, sustainable living and more. I look forward to utilising my experience to support new opportunities to advance knowledge and create impact,” said Professor Wyeth.
Professor Wyeth also holds the roles of Program Leader and Chief Investigator for the ARC Centre of Excellence for the Digital Child, which brings together national and international experts and partners to investigate children’s digital experiences.
She has an undergraduate degree in information technology and a PhD in computer science, both from the University of Queensland.
Professor Wyeth commences in her new role on July 31.