Life as a Sport and Exercise Science student
What’s it like studying Sport and Exercise Science at UTS? Get to know one of our Sport and Exercise student ambassadors, Olivia!

By Olivia Cicciari, Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science student
1. What inspired you to study your degree?
I chose to study a Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science after representing NSW and Australia in Dragon Boat Racing. This experience allowed me to view the sport and exercise industry as an athlete. I’ve always been a “people person” and I find immense satisfaction in helping people to be the best that they can be.
I really wanted to be able to inspire, motivate and assist athletes in giving their “100%”, and help them reach new heights in their sporting journey. By studying sport and exercise science, I can combine my passion for sport and love of helping others, no matter what career path I choose to take.
2. What are your career plans or goals?
This degree is such an awesome pathway into so many careers. I don’t have my heart set on a specific career path currently, but I know that it will involve working in the high performance sport industry with elite athletes to help them achieve their sporting goals!
3. What’s it like to be a student at UTS?
Being a student at UTS is super exciting! There are so many opportunities for students to enjoy themselves as they complete their degree. There are many food and beverage outlets on the main campus, and space for you to study and chill with friends.
There are over 130 clubs and societies, so there is no doubt that you will find one that sparks your interest. They deliver heaps of events each year where students can engage, socialise, and meet like-minded people – so it is easy to feel a sense of belonging in the UTS community.
4. What’s been your favourite subject so far?
My favourite subject so far would have to be Exercise Physiology, which I completed in 2nd year. The exercise physiology lab is equipped with cycle ergometers, rowing ergometers, and treadmills, which were used in conjunction with specialist equipment used to test VO2 max, lactate threshold and blood pH.
I really enjoyed learning how to use all this equipment as it gives insight into the analytics of the industry and helps to develop laboratory skills related to professional practice which is extremely useful after graduation.
5. What’s your best advice for managing your work, study, and social commitments in this degree?
Expose yourself to as much of uni life as you can! Whilst your studies are super important, your uni experience will be so much more rewarding if you can find a work/life balance where you can excel in your studies and make connections with other students.
I would highly suggest signing up to one or more societies that are of interest to you or joining one of the many social or competitive sporting teams/clubs at UTS. I also recommend talking to other students within your degree as they are the people who will be working within the same industry as you post-university!
During these unprecedented times studying from home, I also recommend taking regular breaks away from your computer screen and engaging in an activity you enjoy!