Adam had been exploring every possible pathway into university when he stumbled across the Early Entry program at UTS.
Meet Adam - Mechanical Engineering Student and Early Entry recipient

The early entry advantage
Adam took the opportunity to give himself that extra chance at entry into UTS using his Year 11 marks, rather than waiting for his HSC results. “The decision to apply for the Early Entry program for me was simple, and I felt relieved knowing I wouldn’t have to put too much pressure on myself for the HSC”
For Adam, the process of applying was simple; a submission of his Year 11 marks well before the HSC began. A short wait after his submission, Adam was soon offered a place at UTS in Engineering.
Now, Adam works on a broad range of projects as a student. “Every semester I’ve had a really cool project to work on, so I’ve built catapults, automated machines; a plant watering machine last year, currently I’m working on a rover.” For Adam, having a hands on approach to learning is one of his favourite parts of his degree.
You’re not just learning the content; you’re learning technical skills at the same time.
Adam is enjoying student life to the fullest
From tinkering in the labs to hanging out with the UTS community, Adam has found the UTS campus to be an extremely inclusive environment, running into familiar faces often. ”You really build a community across the faculty. I’ve built a strong group of friends around me, and it’s great to have that balance whilst studying”.
If Adam were to go back and give advice to his Year 12 self, it would be to have more confidence. Giving yourself the chance to try everything is invaluable; you might not know where to start and it can be intimidating, but it is always worth the experience. He says, “Now I’m only starting to realise how valuable it is to work on projects on your own.”
UTS’s Early Entry program is designed to recognise students who have achieved strong year 11 results . Current school leavers can submit their Year 11 results in exchange for an early offer into select degrees before the HSC commences.