Learn the skills you need and acquire specialist knowledge while gaining hands on industry experience.
IDeA cadetship applications through UTS are now closed.
However, you can still apply for a cadetship with WiseTech (exclusively available for Bachelor of Computing Science students). Fill out the application form via WiseTech and lodge an application through UAC before 30 November 2024.
A cadetship lets you mix classroom study with real world employment.
The Industry Degree Academy (IDeA) is a three year program, available only at UTS. Students work at some of Australia’s leading companies while they study. The program is codesigned with industry partners, so students graduate with the skills and experience employers seek, along with industry experience.
What you'll learn
IDeA enables students and employers to actively contribute to learning outcomes via portfolios, industry certifications, and training, as well as gaining strong technical skills and a full cybersecurity or computing science qualification.
The IDeA cadetship is designed for students who have recently completed high school.
However, applicants who have completed Year 12 within one year and have not started a university degree are also eligible to apply.
Successful applicants must demonstrate potential and motivation for the program. Applicants are chosen for interviews, and the final selection is based on the result of the interview and your ATAR.
2. Apply
UTS strongly encourages students to apply to all industry partners. To do so, you must submit an application form via UTS and lodge an application through UAC before 15 September 2024.
If you have missed the deadline to apply for all industry partners, you can still apply for a cadetship with WiseTech (exclusively available for Bachelor of Computing Science students). Fill out the application form via WiseTech and lodge an application through UAC before 30 November 2024.
3. Attend an Interview
If you have submitted a strong application, you will be invited to attend an interview with Industry and UTS representatives. This is where you will need to demonstrate your passion and motivation to join the IDeA cadetship.
4. Accept your offer
Congratulations! UTS will be in contact with you on how to accept and enrol via email.
A number of months into my university degree I was growing restless. I wanted to apply the skills I was learning in a professional workplace, so I applied for the IDeA program and fortunately was accepted. Now a year later, I have learnt so much. I look forward to seeing how I can develop my skills further as I continue through my degree and career.