Lessons from an experienced nurse
A career in nursing will leave you with a wealth of stories; hear some from one of our passionate nursing lecturers!

Passion to endure

Natalie Govind is a Lecturer in the School of Nursing and Midwifery at UTS.
A passionate researcher and educator, Natalie has received numerous awards for her contribution to teaching and learning.
“Students keep my passion for nursing strong and I hope that I am creating meaningful memories that last with students well into their careers. Every day, I remind myself that I have the privilege of sharing my passion for nursing through my teaching and this brings me such joy.”
She is well-known for her passion and drive, and an unending ability to inspire.
I’ve kept my passion for nursing strong by staying connected to my sense of self. When you are connected to your sense of self, your passions are available to fuel your purpose.
"My passion for nursing is also fuelled through staying connected to my nursing colleagues as it reminds me that we are part of a global network of caring scientists and intelligent minds.”
Life-changing experience
Natalie describes that nursing has shaped who she is by teaching her a number of lessons:
- "Every person has a story and a lesson to teach me
- There is a science to caring and nurses are the experts
- Nurses are intelligent, forward-thinking health professionals
- Humour is a powerful antidote for stress
- The importance of finding your kindred spirits
- I am comfortable with communicating in silence
- The significant power of touch cannot be refuted
- International roast is not coffee but can be a useful substitution on night shift
- Practice humility when you know you are right."

Lessons for young nurses
Natalie has eight key messages for those starting in a career in nursing:
- "Be brave and find your voice
- Practice with humility
- Take every opportunity
- You know more than you think you do!
- You will never believe that you will be a nurse educator in the future!
- Be the difference you know you can be
- Get a seat at the table. Be part of the direction of healthcare
- And finally, some days are hard, some days are remarkable, all days are a privilege."