A message from Distinguished Professor Jon Adams, Deputy Head of School (Research).
Welcome to Research at the School of Public Health

Our School is home to a large pool of talented researchers reflecting strong methodological and health research design expertise as well as established track records in addressing a wide range of important health issues.
We are a friendly and dynamic School and always open to exploring further collaborations and partnerships.
Whether you are a student considering PhD study, an academic/researcher exploring collaborations or an industry, professional, government or other non-academic stakeholder looking to partner in research, I encourage you all to consider joining us in our efforts to help improve health and wellbeing for all.
Please explore these School research pages where you will find details of our recent successes and ongoing activities, our research talent and expertise and our research focus and strengths.
We look forward to hearing from you and co-partnering in exciting opportunities.
With best wishes

Distinguished Professor Jon Adams
Deputy Head of School (Research)