AAII wins three Fuzz-IEEE Outstanding Paper Awards 2023
AAII researchers take out Outstanding Paper, Best Paper and Best Student Paper awards at the IEEE CIS flagship conference Fuzz-IEEE, held 13-17 Aug 2023 in Korea.

IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems Outstanding Paper Award.
AAII success at Fuzz-IEEE 2023
AAII researchers have won three Outstanding Paper Awards from Fuzz-IEEE 2023. The Annual IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (Fuzz-IEEE) is a world premier conference in the field of fuzzy sets and systems, held this year on 13 – 17 August in Korea.
The announcement of AAII's success comes after rigorous assessment of hundreds of submissions by Fuzz-IEEE's committees. The three categories awarded to AAII members are:
“IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems Outstanding Paper Award” goes to Distinguished Professor Jie Lu, Dr Hua Zuo and A/Professor Guangquan Zhang’s paper “Fuzzy Multiple-Source Transfer Learning”, published by IEEE TFS 28(12), 3418-3431, 2020. The IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems is a leading journal in AI/CS, with an impact factor of 12.253 and a ranking of 10/145 in AI/CS category. This paper is a field leading work of fuzzy machine learning, establishing a new research direction: multi-source fuzzy transfer learning. It was selected from about 300 published papers in the journal in 2020.
“FUZZ-IEEE Best Paper Award” goes to Dr Keqiuyin Li, Distinguished Professor Jie Lu, Dr Hua Zuo and A/Professor Guangquan Zhang from 160 accepted papers. This is the first work to introduce fuzzy systems to deep transfer model, addressing universal source-free domain adaptation.

FUZZ-IEEE Best Paper Award.
“FUZZ-IEEE Best Student Paper Award” goes to PhD candidate Liang Ou, Dr Yu-Cheng Chang, Dr Yukai Wang and Distinguished Professor CT Lin. It proposes an advanced explainable fuzzy reconstruction net to interpret the relationship between agent’s states and actions in reinforcement learning.

FUZZ-IEEE Best Student Paper Award.
AAII also organised a Fuzz-IEEE special session at the conference, called “Fuzzy Machine Learning”, which attracted many submissions from over ten countries and was a great success.
AAII is one of the top teams globally to conduct research in both the theory and applications of fuzzy machine learning and fuzzy systems.