All sequencing services are based on the Illumina platform, and we provide Sample QC, Library preparation, sequencing, and delivery of data in Fastq format. For Small target Express DNA Sequencing, our Turnaround time is 72 hours and for all the other types of sequencing, it is 6-8 weeks. We provide special discounted pricing for 49+ samples. Please contact us for more information.

Sample submission guidelines
Sample Submission Guidelines
Sample Submission
Complete and email the sample submission form and additional documents BEFORE shipping your samples to us.
Ensure that your samples meet the quality and quantity requirements according to the submission guidelines (PDF 181KB). Samples that do not meet these criteria will not be processed.
Failing to comply may lead to a delay in the processing and additional charges may apply.
Sample Submission Form
Download sample submission form (XLSX, 36KB)
DNA samples can be shipped at room temperature. RNA samples we suggest shipping on dry ice. Depending upon the quality of the insulated shipping container and the samples, 3 to 5 kilograms of dry ice should be used for each 24 hours. We recommend using a minimum of 3 kilograms and ideally 5 kilograms of dry ice. In addition, please try to ensure that the package is tightly sealed and labeled correctly.
By post:
Deepa Panicker
Sequencing Facility, AIMI
UTS Science Store
Level 2 Building 1
Thomas Street, Ultimo
NSW, Australia 2007
In person:
Level 7 Building 4
Cnr of Thomas Street and Harris Street
Ultimo NSW
Drop-off hours: Monday – Friday, 10 am – 3 pm
The facility will assess the data output to determine whether it has passed or failed. We provide the sequencing summary report including the data output, fastq files, fasta, and .gfa files for assemblies.
Data Delivery
Data is shared with the client through a download link that is emailed to the client. All data will be deleted 30 days after delivery. We will then move forward to invoicing for your project.
For further information on the data delivery, please contact:
Joyce To
Contact Us
Get in touch with the UTS Sequencing Facility to learn more about our services and what we can do for you.
Call: (+61) 2 9514 2223.