Beyond new products and services, innovation includes new ideas, paradigms, and methods that significantly change our productivity and our lives.

Innovation and change
About this research context
When does the innovation cycle begin and where does it end? Where does that first spark come from, and how does it cause ripple effects, beyond an intended use? From a linear perspective, every idea builds on prior knowledge, gets tested, becomes a prototype or proposal, pilot program, through to adoption by 'end-users'. From a complex systems perspective, there are feedback loops and opportunities for the innovation to change direction at each step along the way. Outcomes are not predictable and can provide abnormal returns. And, it's a team effort, involving many stakeholders, who each need to value an innovation for it to have lasting change.
Selected projects
Projects in this stream include:
- Innovation ecosystems and place-based entrepreneurship
- University–Business collaboration
- Evaluating the impact of startup support systems
- Implementation of health innovation
- Innovation ecosystems and place-based entrepreneurship
- Leadership and change for energy efficiency
- Sustainable development business models