Harnessing collective intelligence and creativity

Creative Lab
About this Lab
Explore. Suspend judgement and put your analytical and critical mind on pause for a moment and accept ideas of all shapes and sizes. This might require some form of activity or exercise to help you use your brain and your body in a way you don't normally do. It's ok to feel uncomfortable.
The Creativity Lab helps unlock the uncommon, enable lifelong learning and creative change. We use creative methods to stimulate the mind and body into generating more interesting, more novel, and more complex ways forward than your conventional brainstorming methods for ‘Business as Usual’ situations.
Our research helps organisations of all types collaborate across divisions to address complex challenges. This includes multinationals, global and local non-profit organisations, public-sector organisations, startups, SMEs and everything in between. In fact, our methods work better when there is more diversity in the collaboration.
We help leaders reframe the way we look at things, and open doors to new solutions. We work with members of all types in the heathcare sector to provide a more nurturing and nourishing environment. We also offer our work as commercial workshops and via our microcredentials.