Zunz Lecture 2024 - Transforming the grid
Join us for a technical symposium discussing the challenges of rapid change across our environment.
You're invited to the 2024 Zunz Lecture: Transforming the grid - the challenges of rapid change.

Across Australia, changes to our electricity grid are urgently required as we accelerate our uptake of electricity generated by renewables. A key challenge is electrifying industry and transport, at the same time as we transition from traditional baseload generation to more intermittent renewable sources.
Partnership and collaboration will be essential for this step-change that will deliver greater value for people, places and the planet. How can major industries secure green energy while transitioning production technology? How does the grid need to change if significant energy will be generated offshore? What new skills will be required, and how can these be built into our communities?
Be immersed in a technical symposium where UTS and Arup will bring together experts and stakeholders across policy, planning, research, delivery and the built environment to nurture this debate.
Professor Hugh Durrent-Whyte, NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer and Natural Resources Commissioner
Andrew Kingsmill, Executive Director, Technical Advisory Services at EnergyCo.
Guy Chalkley, CEO at Endeavour Energy
Melanie Grills, Associate Principal, First Nations Programs & Projects at Arup
Dr. Ed Langham, Research Director at Institute for Sustainable Futures, UTS