AI Corporate Governance resource library
The following resources are useful background information for Day 1: Bridging the Governance Gap.
Human Technology Institute (2023): The State of AI Governance in Australia
Human Technology Institute (2024): AI Governance Snapshot 1: Key elements of AI governance
Human Technology Institute (2024): AI Governance Snapshot 2: Putting people at the centre of AI - Impacted communities and missing voices
Atlassian (2023): Responsible Technology Principles and Responsible Technology Review Template
Atlassian (2024): Responsible Technology White Paper
Gradient Institute & CSIRO (2023) Implementing Australia’s AI Ethics Principles: A selection of Responsible AI practices and resources
Gilbert + Tolbin Digital Hub
KPMG & The University of Queensland (2023): Trust in Artificial Intelligence A global study
Microsoft (2022): Responsible AI Impact Assessment Template
Microsoft (2022): Responsible AI Impact Assessment Guide
Ada Lovelace Institute (2023): Going Public
Ada Lovelace Institute (2022): Algorithmic Impact Assessments NHS Case Study
National Institute of Standards and Technology (2023): Artificial Intelligence Risk Management Framework (AI RMF 1.0)
ISO/IEC 42001 (2023): Artificial Intelligence Management System
Department of Industry, Science, Resources and Technology (2024): Safe and responsible AI in Australia consultation Australian Government’s Interim Response