Clare Nickson-Havens

Entered PhD Program: February 2024
Principal Supervisor: Professor Martina Linnenluecke and Dr Deborah Cotton
Research topics:
Angel investors; Start-up funding; Sustainable Finance; Motivations and mindset of angel investors in early-stage regenerative start-ups
Academic Background and Work Experience:
The focus of my academic work has been to understand the underpinnings of an active mindset of bank board directors around climate response. My doctoral research seeks to better understand the mindset and motivations of angel investors funding regenerative start-ups, with the ambition of influencing behavioural change and increasing early-stage funding. My consulting practice focuses on bringing regenerative start-up founders together with potential individual angel investors to increase funding of innovative, regenerative businesses. Much of my work experience has been within banks, where I specialised in analysing financial institutions. I was a Member of the Australian Sustainable Finance Initiative Working Group and am currently a Member of the Finance and Investment Taskforce of Circular Australia, and a Member of the Research Assessment Panel of the NSW Circular Finance and Investment Taskforce. I am also a Member of the UN Principles for Responsible Management Education Working Group on Sustainability Mindset.
Nickson-Havens, C., 2022, "The Future of Leadership in Financial Institutions: Developing an Active Mindset Model", Review of Financial Markets, Journal of the Chartered Institute of Securities and Investments.
Conference Presentations:
Nickson-Havens, C., 2022, "The Role of Active Mindset in the Climate Response of Bank Board Directors", Responsible Leadership Reimagined Conference, University of Stellenbosch Business School, 1-18 March.
Nickson-Havens, C., 2021, "Understanding Board Characteristics Driving Climate Response at Financial Firms", Group presentation at the Texas A&M University Sustex Summit, 22-23 April.
Nickson-Havens, C., 2020, "Understanding Board Characteristics Driving Climate Response at Financial Firms", Group presentation at the Chartered Institute of Securities and Investments’ Governance Forum.