Uncensored: Wicked Women
How do we respond to women who transgress the boundaries of the law, social expectations and gender norms? How do we treat women who make us uncomfortable, profit from sex work, and demonstrate agency in ways that threaten social cohesion?

In this Uncensored talk where morality meets sexism and oppression, we're exploring themes of feminine violence, anger and autonomy and highlighting key social justice issues, such as female incarceration and the death penalty.
Our diverse panel of academics and activists include:
- Ms Sara Kowal, Deputy Director (Practice) at Eleos Justice, and Vice-President of the Capital Punishment Justice Project, an NGO focused on the abolition of the death penalty
- Ms Gloria Larman, Chief Executive Officer, Women's Justice Network
- Ms Frances Drake, mentor co-ordinator / case worker, and Advisory Board member of the Women's Justice Network
- Professor Penelope Crofts, international expert on criminal law, models of culpability and the legal regulation of the sex industry at UTS.
Uncensored: Wicked Women is proudly hosted by Respect.Now.Always. and UTS Law, as part of Respect at Uni Week.