At the Centre for Climate Risk and Resilience we find our strength in collaboration.

Our research
When solving problems, we use different perspectives and angles to develop a combined solution that draws on a diversity of thinking and expertise. Our extensive experience working with government and industry on climate adaption strategies means that we have a practical understanding about how research applies in the real world.
Our research themes
Adaption and Resilience
Adaption and resilience are critical for organisations and communities in addressing the challenge of climate change – reducing vulnerability and building capacity to recover from adverse impacts. Our research examines how organisations and the communities in which they are located can best respond, including through nature-based solutions.
Rapid decarbonisation is needed to mitigate (and limit the worst impacts) of climate change. Risks result from resource constraints but also changing technology landscapes and social expectations. Our research identifies and evaluates effective decarbonisation strategies and technologies for different sectors and regions.
Sustainable Finance
Significant investments in structural, behavioural and cultural change will need to support climate change adaption, mitigation and the transition to a low-carbon economy. Our research examines how financial actors and institutions can engage with growing social and environmental challenges and how investments can lead to actual and meaningful benefits.
Climate Analytics
Climate analytics is the use of data and analytical tools to understand and manage climate risks and opportunities. Our research provides organisations and policymakers with data-driven insights to make informed decisions about how to respond to climate change – developing new analytical methods and tools.
Metrics, Targets and Disclosure
Metrics, targets and disclosure are important for measuring and reporting on progress towards sustainability and help organizations to track their performance. Our research focuses on the alignment of metrics, targets and disclosure with science-based targets.
Policy Impacts and Responses
Understanding the impacts of climate policies and how to design effective policy responses is critical for addressing climate change. Our research examines the economic, social and environmental impacts of different policy options and how to design policies that are responsive to the needs of different stakeholders.
Meet the CCRR team
Our team comprises of a cohesive group of academic leaders who provide transdisciplinary perspectives and expertise to the Centre’s research themes.
Find out about our people and expertise

Study with us
We welcome enquiries from prospective Honours and PhD candidates and are happy to discuss research opportunities.
CONTACT the Centre for Climate Risk and Resilience
Get in touch to talk with us about our goals and research, partnering with us, working with us and opportunities for collaboration.