As Chloe approached the end of high school, deciding on a university course felt daunting. However, stumbling upon the IDeA cadetship offered her a clear path forward.
Meet Chloe – Computing Science IDeA Cadetship Student

Taking a leap of faith
Like many high school students, Chloe felt inundated with choices for her future studies. “There were so many options, but computer science was always in the back of my mind. I just love problem solving.”
While exploring courses at UTS, Chloe stumbled upon the Computing Science Industry Degree Academy cadetship. The program, unique to UTS, blends traditional studies with hands-on experience at one of Australia’s leading businesses. “The cadetship really made the decision a lot easier because it’s such a great opportunity; in the end I will graduate with three years of experience in my field.”
The application process was straightforward, though initially nerve-wracking for Chloe, as she was unsure if she had enough experience to secure a spot. “But the interview wasn’t scary at all. They asked me about why I was passionate about computer science and what my goals were. And I ended up getting it. Honestly, my biggest tip for considering applying is to just do it.”
Now, Chloe is studying and completing her cadetship at the NSW Premier’s office, working with the Digital and Information Branch. “It’s really cool being able to work there. I get to see what everyone does and see how all the different teams work. And everyone on the team is supportive and eager to teach me things. I really get to immerse myself in the industry. It’s different from anything that I’ve done before, and it has taught me a lot.”
Finding comfort in uncertainty
Chloe enjoys a healthy balance between study and work, supported by her flexible working arrangement with her industry partner.
On campus, Chloe spends time with likeminded friends, many of whom she met through the cadetship. “There is a lot of things that I love about studying at UTS. I’ve been able to make some really good friends and the campus is lovely. I’ve always felt like there are plenty of people for me to go to on campus if I need them, and there is also a big community of women in engineering and IT as well.”
Chloe is still unsure what she wants to specialise in after graduating, tossing up between programming and data analytics. But unlike in high school, there’s no pressure to have it all figured out. “I’ve become comfortable with the fact that I don't know yet. The great thing about the cadetship is that I get to try so many different things, move around teams and get to experience a range of different roles. So, by the time I graduate, I will have a genuine understanding of what roles really interest me and what I’m best suited for.”
The Bachelor of Computer Science Industry Degree Academy (IDeA) combines work and study in an integrated cadetship. The program is designed with industry partners, allowing students to gain critical experience for their portfolios. The cadetship is currently offered to students studying a Bachelor of Computer Science and a Bachelor of Cybersecurity. Learn more about the program